
What is the punishment for 'USING' a fake id in the U.K to purchase alcohol out of a shop?

by Guest62787  |  earlier

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Hi, I would like to know what the punishment is for USING a fake id to purchase alcohol or cigarettes is i am currently 15 and would like to know what would happen if i got caught with a fake ID with a made up name (thought up in my head) - and if i used my real name just a different date of birth - could you tell me the punishment to both situations?

I also heard that if caught by police you could be arrested and put in prison for 5 - 10 years?! Is that true - i saw it on a BBC News site.

I am currently in the U.K (England) - And I'm just curios about what could happen - Your answer would be much appreciated.





  1. No 15 year old would get a 5 year prison sentence unless they were a serious criminal.

    If you buy alcohol underage it is the shopkeeper who is breaking the law, not the person buying it.

    I don't know how serious having a fake id would be - not very I suspect, I doubt it is even a crime.

    I still don't think it's a good idea for you to be doing it though..

  2. Probably the offence may be criminal deception. The fake ID may be considered to be "going equipped" that is an offence in itself. The punishment ? In English law, a maximum punishment is laid down by statute, if 5 years or more, an offence can then be regarded as " An arrestable offence"

    In the case you describe, if the offence(s) were admitted, it is most likely the Police would give you a "verbal caution" the purists would have you believe that this means "all sorts" and is very serious. In reality, you have been let off !!!  

  3. What do you mean by 'using' a fake id? Not only are you using it, but you are manipulating it to your convenience. Just don't do it. That's WHY they have a law against it. Not so they can punish you, but to keep kids from getting into trouble.

  4. Well you wont be arrested. You would only be prosecuted for purchasing the items under age....and if it is a first offence you would probably only receive a caution.

  5. I have no idea to be honest but I wouldn't recommend trying it.

    I would assume the BBC site is fairly accurate- they usually are!

  6. This happened to someone i know, the shop keeper phoned the police which came down to the shop and they took away her fake ID and she was given a cation because of your age you can not be sent to prison so that thing you have read is not right.

    I also live in England

  7. You would be perpetrating a fraud and could therefore be prosecuted and gaoled. In practise you would probably only get your wrist smacked. mind you the police would keep a record of it and would probably take a sample of your DNA for future reference. Its the shop keeper who would suffer the most with a large fine and possibly even lose his licence to sell tobacco or alcohol.

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