
What is the punishment for racial common assult??

by  |  earlier

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i have recently expeienced something horrid and would like to know what happens to the person that done this. i know this man is a taxi driver.




  1. Depends on what color the person spewing out the racial insults is !!!

  2. a gold medal

  3. What you seem to be saying, in essence, is that alleged racial slurs trump bad driving. If you hadn't been Asian, you would have got a different line in insults, like the rest of us. I am surprised by the spitting, because this doesn't sound like the response you would get from your usual white taxi driver. I think that you are looking for revenge rather than justice, and at the same time, ignoring your own offence.

  4. 12 bottles of bud and gold medal

  5. I don't know the laws in the UK.  You should call a lawyer who will give you a free initial consultation.  He will know what laws were broken and what your options are.

  6. It would help if you would say what country you are in.

  7. Sounds like an average day driving in the UK.

    Where is the racial bit?

    If you pulled out in front of him, isn't that careless driving?

    Edit - spitting is disgusting & the use of the 'p**i' especially if you are from Indian ancestory is not right & insulting.

    I would guess either he is just obnoxious or he was shook up after an emergency stop.

    With out witnesses etc I would doubt the police would / could do anything - I hope he missed with the spit - I find spitting worse than the name. Vey unhygenic!

  8. Have you got any REAL problems !!??

  9. This is absurd - if everyone is equal then it should make no difference what colour the victim was. An assault is an assault.

  10. life's to short, sticks and stones, concentrate a little more when your diving, most men would certainly give a woman verbal for cutting them up.

  11. You did not say what country you are in.  

    You did not say what the precise nature of the alleged assault was.  

    You did not describe the context of the assault.

    You did not say what colour the accused is.  

    You did not say what colour the victim is.

    How the h**l can you expect a sensible answer?

  12. Depends on your color or national origin.  If you are a white American you are SOL.

  13. That doesn't make it neccesarilly a racial assault. But it is an assault.

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