
What is the punishment for spending $100 on somebodys credit card?

by  |  earlier

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My friend bought $100 worth of Microsoft points on xbox live. He is a under 18 and i dont think he has a record. What will happen to him if he got caught?





  2. If he is caught he could be given a deal to do his punishment in a pti (pre-trial intervention) program. He would have to do community service amongst other things. or he could be given time in all depends on the judge

  3. That would be a federal charge. Prob Grand Larceny and Fraud... That's gonna be jail time if you so choose

  4. that's theft, he is qualified to receive 6 months in jail. But, he will get off on probation, if it ever gets reported.

  5. fraud is diffrent in diffrent states  this is the link in mississippi look in the fs theres fraud over and under 100

  6.   I say give em life sentence the laws are to low in america. If you take a life your life should be taken. If you steal you should go to jail 50 years and pay it back. If you cause a minor problem 20 years. With laws like this nobody would be commiting crimes.

  7. Its fraud, possiblley theft, depends how he got the credit card. peding where you live, I would say probation if a plea, but depends on the judge, DA, and if he will be charged or if the retailer will fine him (your firend should go about it that way if possible)

  8. He'll get caught if it was some strangers card and they call it in.

    They will have to sign an affadavit saying they didn't make the charge.

    Then I think it is up to them or the credit card company to contact XBOXLive and see what idiot is using the, basically, stolen Gamername.

    So hopefully it was like his parents card or something...someone more 'understanding.'

  9.   jail. it's called fraud.

  10. ya if the person looks for who did it he might go to jail

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