
What is the punishment if an underage person tries to buy alcohol with a real ID in the US or NJ?

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What is the punishment if an underage person tries to buy alcohol with a real ID in the US or NJ?




  1. the law should be same in state

  2. Is New Jersey another country, now?  

    I think it's the same in all states in the US!

  3. If it's your ID, you'll get busted for possession (a misdemeanor) and get your booze confiscated.

    The retailer, however, stands to be fined over $1000, possibly losing their license to sell alcohol, and whoever checked your ID will get canned.

  4. Are you using someone else's real ID? You can probably be arrested for fraud or something like that, since you're not that person. If it's you but with a fake ID.. probably something along the lines of that as well.  

  5. generally varies by state is usually is one of these three:

    a) misdemeanor + fine

    b) felony + 6 months in jail + fine

    c) misdemeanor + loss of license until age 22.  

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