
What is the punishment if you get caught using a counterfeit ticket on the Northern Rail?

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What is the punishment if you get caught using a counterfeit ticket on the Northern Rail?




  1. they tie you to the tracks and go full steam!!


  3. Counterfeiting is a much more serious offense than defrauding through non-payment, which is actually larceny or, depending on the dollar amount, grand theft.

    Here in the US, people convicted are forced to work for the Union Pacific Railroad, but the ACLU is challenging this as "cruel and unusual punishment."

  4. jakz497  Hi I would think you need not ask this question . My first answer would be : A h**l of a lot of trouble .. Arrested & questioned as to where a counterfit ticket came from .. Fined & perhaps jail time .. This could and may involve the Fed's . I hope you see the picture .. The best way is to pay your own way ...

  5. A fine - and if you don't pay it, jail.

  6. something serious. If you get caught then you'd prob go to jail getting done for fraud and they'd assume you've done it alot more and have the resources to do it for somebody else.

  7. First of all you can be arrested.

    Second you will get a fine.

    Third You could be taken to court

    Forth If you go to Court YOU WILL GET A CRIMINAL RECORD, which then means that if you are applying for jobs you will have to declare it, and you will most likely not get the job that you want.

    Fifth If found Guilty of not buying or having a counterfeit ticket  you can spend up to six months in prison (perhaps more for having a fake ticket).

    By Buying a ticket to travel on a train, it is your insurance so if you are taken ill or anything goes wrong while travelling the Train Operating company pays out for the ambulance to attend and pick you up otherwise you will have to pay (especially if you are in the middle of no-where & they have to have an Air-ambulance which costs £5000 just to take off!)

  8. They could have a lot of fun with this one - travelling without a ticket AND with intent to defraud, travelling with a counterfeit ticket, intent to defraud by use of the counterfeit ticket - that's three offences before you even set foot on a train, so they could really sling the book at you ! ! !

  9. It all depends. I know in our company, if anyone is suspected of using fraudulent tickets, quite often the Fraud Crime unit is called in and they will track you going as far as following you to and from work, what your movements are, how often you use the train etc, then work out an average for a set period, look at past records if you are a season ticket holder and track when you purchased your last ticket, where was it from to, etc.

    Once they have a solid case then they will have officers waiting for you at a destination and arrest.

    We have had people paying between £300 and £15,000 for their crime as well as jail terms.

    The least you can expect would be court and company costs, the cost of ticket travel plus any normal fine the company is allowed to issue.

  10. I don't know but it should be DEATH by ticket puncher.People may have what they see as good reasons for doing this but all it does is push up the price for the rest of us

  11. Same as anywhere else - a fine at the very least.

  12. if you have been reported for the offence then you may be charged with Fraudulent travel and travelling without a valid ticket. You could bee fined up to £1000 and or jailed for up to 3 months.

    If you plead guilty you will most likely be fined on average £100 to £250 plus costs and then have a criminal record. Northern trains are unique in so far as they have a specialist prosecutions team to deal with this type of offence.

  13. DEATH!!!!

  14. Death by eating from the buffet car!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I do not know about the Northern Rail, but on Septa(Philadelphia, PA's mass transit system) it's supposedly a "felony."  It writes on the back of each paper bus transfer, that misuse of the transfer, or someone else using the transfer other than the person it was intended for, can be convicted for felony charges.  A felony...can you imagine?!  If I wanted to get barred as a convicted felon for the rest of my life and forfeit many of the job opps that felons forfeit, I'd rather it be for something "daring" like robbing a bank, as opposed to something "dorky" like misusing a $0.60 transfer!

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