
What is the purest language?

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ah, but there is a theory concerning even music, unless you are one of the odd fellows that can tolerate pure jazz.




  1. i think "english"

  2. Gypsy language... it has no concept of future or past, everything is going on just in the present... as for the rest it only approximates them through paraphrases.

  3. Aramaic, a precursor to Hebrew.  Hebrew, as in the Old Testament, acts as a zip file if well-written, containing fractal layers of meaning.  Aramaic does the same but is much better at conveying subtle meaning, such as connotations.

  4. LOVE !

  5. I have a theory that the original universal language consisted of pure emotion and music.

    Music is a mathematical rhythm of harmonious frequencies which studies have shown influence the brain in many ways.  Hypothetically, if one could pinpoint the correct harmonious frequencies to the proper proportions in relation to pitch, timing, percussion, and rhythm to create a specifically calculated piece of music, certain emotions and centers of the brain could be properly stimulated, even those which have been long dormant.

    It's an interesting thought, but it would be nearly impossible to determine if there is anything to it, as experimental pursuits to perceive if it has any truth would be lengthy and time-consuming at best.  Plus, we wouldn't know if there could be a practical application in our daily lives so, there isn't any imminent need to pursue its investigation at this time...

    But if the language of music could be unlocked and it did have a significant impact on the functionality of our brains, where could we go with it?

  6. I guess it really depends on what you meant by "pure".

    I will have to go for mathematics because its almost universal.

    Mathematics is pure because we all agree with the logic, and we are all familiar with it. Mathematics is the foundation of logic, otherwise you are depending on your senses which is subjective.

  7. Verbal or non-verbal one? I don't think there is such 100% pure langauge for both verbal or non. As you can use bad words, or make bad looks. But it can be possible for a time. Just like food, even if you made it at your clean house, some bacteria must get in as from the air. It can't be 100% out of bacteria.

  8. i ve got nooooo idea .. sry dudeee

  9. I am going to have to post and suggest two --  love and music.  Both of these are languages that anyone young or old can understand.  It is not about grammar, words, context, etc. .. it is about actions and emotions.  And this, my friend, can speak volumes to anyone in the world who can see and feel, regardless of their native tongue.  

    Thanks for reading!

  10. Silence.

  11. Please define what you mean by "purest."

    When languages where studied in a wind/sand test. Hebrew would create unique designs in the sand. While all other languages would not form any type of pattern.

  12. Sanskrit. And Sanskrit is the mother of all languages. Even though modern academics ignore or disagree.

  13. arabic

  14. Since this in the philosophy section, I will write from that point of view.

    A language that requires the less amount of signs and symbols is the purest.

    Languages can be "word" languages (which are spoken and or written as characters, letters and words - like English, Chinese, Hebrew, Arabic, Urdu, Spanish, Zulu, etc)

    They can be "symbolic" languages (which have symbols such as maths, logic, sign-language, traffic signs, etc)

    These have different levels of impurity.

    The purest is the one which does not require a sign or a symbol. The purest language is the one we have in our minds when we think about something. We don't need to use symbols to ourselves because we know already what we mean.

    Of course, Wittgenstein said that there does not exist a "Private Language" - But a language is a mode of communication and surely when we reach a dilemma, we think - how do we think?

    Wittgenstein says that we use the language we have learned as our mother-tongue. It seems that he is right.

    However, when we think of a dilemma (such as should I eat a sandwich or order a pizza?) our minds seem to do 2 things:

    1) We hear the unvoiced words: should I eat sandwich or order pizza?

    2) We "visualise" these words.

    It is the second event that occurs in our minds that appears to be the dramatic form of those very words. We "see" ourselves eating a sandwich and ordering a pizza.

    Say I decided to eat a sandwich because I didn't like the Pizzas from the menu.

    1) Our minds tell us in unspoken words that we don't like the Pizzas

    2) Our minds "show" us the Pizzas and we "feel" the disgust we have of it.

    This second event is, I believe the purest language. It's a communication between you and yourself (or the mind and itself) and it "shows" you rather than "tell" you. It shows you the reality in one go rather than tell you in words.

    Words are tools to send across a meaning. But the "visualisation" is the meaning itself!

    For example, a child who does not speak will be thinking in terms of "motion picture" rather than "words".

    A dog who thinks of food when he hears the master call "Food!" does not use a word-language. It uses the "motion-picture". It links the call with a memory in the form of a picture. Memory is key in understanding how creatures think.

    This "motion-picture" or "visualisation" or "showing" is nothing but pure meaning. It's reality captured in the mind. This is the purest language, in my opinion.

    PS. I will be writing about language, logic and semantics as well as memory, thought and the "self" in my blog.


    Please join if you wish - any contribution would be welcomed.

  15. Definitely BODY language. No one in this world knows how to speak all of different foreign languages from all over the world. But everyone in this world does speak body languange. We even do that eversince we're babies, i.e : cry when we're hungry. And that if u know what i mean.

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