
What is the purpose for this war against russia an georgia?

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I am amongst many people very angry about this. These politicians believe they speak for us all when really they onlly speak for themselves. Civillians do not want war only people who are in power do. Next time you guys wanna proove who's got the biggest ****, please do it without involving innocent people. Otherwise there maybe an uprising beyond you could ever dream of. I think that this world is not only disgusted but tired with the poor ways that the people in power get along, I never seem to have these problems getting along with people from other countries, neither does anyone i know or have ever known. I'm sure i speak for the majority of this world when I simply say please go away we don't need you people no more, you are doing nothing else other than causing harm. If you wanna fight it out then do so, but f uck off and do it by yourelves...




  1. Its a territorial fight for southern georgia russia has so many people there they think that they should gain control of it.  

  2. The Russians want the land back because a huge amount of oil has been found.  The People of georgia want to be completely independant of Russia.

    If Russia wants Georgia,  they will get it.

  3. just like any war it serves no purpose but greed and power. i think Georgia might have started it but i might be wrong. Georgia's prime minister wanted a surprise attack to take back one of its city while the Russian and the U.S leaders were away for Olympic in Beijing.  

  4. Russia is getting all excited and wetting their pants at the prospect of another Jimmy Carter in the White House.

  5. Georgian declare war against free people of Ossetia

    President of Georgia saakashvilly declare war against Osettia.

    We want live in peace, take this saakashvilly to usa and pray him if you love this murder. Your media do not tell truth.

    Look at photo

    This people was killed by georgian soldiers who attacked ossetia click english ver on the left of the site

  6. Georgia basically said "we want this place back" and went in. Russia's like "They wanna be with us" and then both sides started shooting.

  7. Russia crossed the border because innocent civilians including Russian civilians were being killed by Georgian aggression, and the South Ossetian's are very grateful Russia came to their aid.

  8. russia has issues with countries around it and i for one dont mind war it shows power and power is awesome  

  9. Finnaly, someone who agrees with me!

    I also hate how people who believe in war, don't want to accualy fight in it themselves. I show's how much of a coward they are.

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