
What is the purpose for unity candles? ?

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What is the purpose for unity candles? ?




  1. It symbolizes two becoming one.  You take your individual candles, light the big one 'in the middle' and extinguish the flames that represent the old life leaving the flame of the new life burning bright.  

  2. It's to symbolize the joining of two families. I've seen this done multiple ways. One was where the mom's go with the taper candles and light the unity candle (to symbolize the joining of their children) or the mom's light the tapered candles and the bride and groom light the unity candle together. Usually the officient can give you many ways to use the unity candle in the ceremony.

  3. You have some outstanding answers. Additionally, it seems to be one of those "traditions" that someone started and it's now "caught on" and is in a large amount of ceremonies. It's not necessary, but is a good visual picture of marriage.  

  4. Something we are doing in a couple weeks that our mothers want to do. :)  It symbolizes the joining of the two families.  

  5. to unite

  6. I don't know if there's necessarily a purpose.  In some ceremonies, there are 2 taper candles and a pillar candle.  Each of the tapers is lit and then the bride and groom each take a taper and light the pillar together.  I guess it signifies starting a new life together.  

  7. Symbolize the joining of two lives and two families into one, and it's a cultural tradition where I come from.  

  8. "Two shall become one.  Therefore, what God has put together, let man not separate."  

    A Bible verse...can't remember off the top of my head where it is at, but someone else can probably help me with that.  

    Just like a marriage can never be separated, when a flame starts out as two and becomes one, it can never really be separated into two again.  It's simply a representation of "marital one-ness".  I've seen people get creative with the candles - making their own in the shape of a heart...using floating candles in vases...oil instead of wax candles, etc.  Some people also use colored sand (or salt) for the same reason - you'll never be able to seperate the two colors again.  

  9. The explanations are pretty good,

    Some clergy will not permit it as they feel it takes away from the ring ceremony.

    I'm not one of them.

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