
What is the purpose of EMF detectors in paranormal investigation?

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The way I see it, if you use a device that detects electromagnetic fields than you are associating the energy of spirits with that of electricity. Also, the theory that I understand is that you are picking up the energy of the ghost as it manifests. Where does this energy originate from? A ghost can not possibly create this energy, as energy can not be created or destroyed. This is basic physics. So one would have to deduce that the spirit is converting energy or deriving energy from another source. Then there is the fact that most rooms will have some sort of field present that could seem to have no source. So with this in mind, one could also deduce that either most rooms are haunted, or that rooms with a lack of detectable fields could be indicating the presence of spirits, as the spirits would be using the energy available in the room to "manifest" therefore, we would notice the absence of said energy. Has an EMF ever been directly connected to a full bodied apparition?




  1. it never ceases to amaze me when I read opinions of skeptics who do not know their butt from a hole in the ground when they start spouting off about the paranormal at least the skeptics that I have come to appreciate in this forum use some intellect in their answers but the others who answered this question go back to school and learn about the paranormal and investigators as well the majority of investigators do not charge for their services and to insinuate that we are out there committing fraud is not only insult ave but highly slanderous so the gentle man that wrote that needs to grow up and find a kiddy room for his answer because answers like that are not welcome here or the person who writes them and mr.stiggo I am not sure where you get your info but you watch way to much it seems that is the basis for your great words of wisdom and as far as a real job I have one in fact I would dare to say that I make more in a week than you do in a month so do us all a favor and keep your snide remarks to yourself .there have been several good answers explaining the use of emf meters so I do not need to add more

  2. Thank you for explicit stating your thought process.

    Now allow me to point out the flaws. If I take a temperature reading, an electromagnetic reading, or a photograph of reportedly haunted location I am not associating those readings with a spirit. I am recording information about the atmosphere in order to correlate environmental information with reported haunting activity (including seeing spirits). This is a correlation not a causation connection.

    I agree that some people do directly (and incorrectly) associate electricity and spirit energy (whatever that might be).

    Yes under your original assumption a ghost manifestation would be drawing or converting energy from an energy source. Many people believe evidence for this is provided by such reports as batteries being drained during investigations.

    However, with correlations (and not premature conclusions about causation) other possibilities present themselves like hallucinations caused by these EM fields.

    EM fields have been used in order to induce a sense of presence ( feeling someone standing behind you) in experimental settings.

    There is no such thing as an EM field with no source (this would be excellent proof of unexplained activity). Most EM fields in houses, buildings, etc. can be easily traced. I have never found a field I could not trace to a source.

    True the Earth has a weak field (easily identified).

    If one measured a high field, then turned everything off and found no field, then turned everything back on and found no field at the same time a ghost appeared then one might have some evidence that ghosts use energy from EM fields.

    However, currently EMF detectors are best used to identify high fields and attempt correlations with reported activity( and let people know so they can consider shielding options against high EMFs) in order to eliminate EMF/brain/interactions that might cause people to experience unusual activity. Thus, they are best used as another way to eliminate normal explanations not to track down ghosts.

  3. EMF detectors are used to prove or disprove the presence of a spirit.  They are also used to detect high electromagnetic fields that are caused by electricity and electronic devices.  In order to manifest itself, the spirit must draw upon an energy source.  The heat within the air is one source of energy as well as electricity or electronic devices (batteries).  Most paranormal investigators take a baseline reading of a room just to see what the "norm" is for that room.  Any unexplained spikes in this reading may mean spirit activity.  High EMF has been known to cause skin irritation, paranoia, and even hallucinations.  This begs the question, is it really a spirit or is it the sensitivity to EMF.  

    Investigators use other instruments such as thermal cameras and infrared thermometers to detect the presence of spirits.    

    It must be noted that all of this is really conjecture, and no one has as of yet been able to prove that there is such a thing as ghosts.  Although that doesn't stop any of us from trying.

  4. the energy existed in the ghost before death. just because the body stopped using the energy or Chi, does not mean that the energy ceases to be energy.

  5. I did a report on them on my site:

    EMF Meters and Causes of High EMF's

    Everyone who is a Paranormal Investigator knows what an EMF does. It is from an rectangular form to weird geometric shape electronic device with it has the ability to obtain EMF Level readings in an area; readings for paranormal activity it is between 2.0 and 8.0. Above this is usually man-made EMF Substances. A lot of people don't strongly suggest EMF's and use dowsing rods ("On dowsing rods one must know they are manipulation of the hands and I don't have enough proof to believe in them)  But I beg to differ with the use of EMFS.  EMFS are a tool to read the 'electro magnetic field; When it spikes into a certain reading from .5 - 2.0 you got to be aware of your surroundings because a lot of electronically devices could trigger your device to go "Nutso" This is why it is good to do a EMF sweep and each room and document each reading you acquire. Make sure you hold your EMF steady and know each term of milligaus reading read back to the beginning 2.0 and 8.0 in theory is usually paranormal; Don't get me wrong there are some hyper sensitive EMFS out there trust me I’ve been there and will give you some inaccurate occurrences and you just need to know what your dealing with. One thing I find a problem with are cell phones which go off with the EMF and so does some of your equipment such as the infrared cameras and digital recorders plus sometimes the mini dv. Yet, it’s all theoretical now EMF Meters being able to capture readings to label certain things paranormal you never know the paranormal field is always changing and developing new theories who knows. Its one of the best things right now since sliced bread lol!

    When you get into the causes studies have been reporting which include: headaches, anxiety, suicide and depression, nausea, fatigue, and even hallucinations which contain - feeling of being watched, Hearing Voices, touched physically. Well now a lot of people claim their house is haunted but it could be just a typical high EMF. Keep in mind high EMF notations on investigation could come in handy in your conclusion.

    But for starters it did help disprove a case because our meter read 20 in the closet where a hot water heater was *keep in mind this was an apartment and no one else except them experienced this and the activity only happened by the bedroom or down the hall* , various claims of activity were mentioned " report/claims on my site" we ended up to disprove them after hours of research on HIGH EMF as hallucinations because we've read others research in the past and scientific research on emf , so i do believe they come in handy once in awhile but my team uses them on every investigation :)

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  6. The only viable explanation I've seen is that some people think EMFs can cause the brain to sense you are sharing space.  I would think the EMF power required to create this sensation would be a lot more than you would find in your average home, but all avenues must be explored, right?  Using the detectors for this use seems to be the rare though.  Most of the ghost hunters just use them because they have heard ghosts form by sucking up energy.  Of course there is neither reason nor data supporting this assertion, so using EMFs detectors for this purpose is nothing more than a charade and a distraction.  If you see a group using an EMF detector for this purpose you know right away they have no idea what they're doing.

  7. I have no answer for you, sorry, but I like how you put everything into perspective; cool.

  8. I think that you need more information then just a EMF result. Try having a thermo imageing camera, and a EVP detector, too. So if you get a spike, and the temperature goes down in the room, then that might be something. Also, set a EVP detectore down too. Ask the spirit questions and see if you get answers. Then leave the house, review the recoarding, and see if you get something.

  9. Listen if you know basically what an EMF does then you know the theory behind it.  To answer more directly your question.  I have never heared of an EMF detector being directly linked to a full bodied apparition.  A full bodied apparition is kind of like the golden fleese of the field of study.  If you see one then it is a very rare thing.

  10. GSI: uses EMF meters to debunk hauntings.  If we find high EM Fields we know that can be a possible source of the feeling of being haunting.  High EM Fields can cause paranoia, the feeling of being watched and Visual hallucinations among other things.  We check areas where these feelings are said to be experienced and look for high EMF as a cause.

  11. Listen to Dope "Die MF Die" and you will find out

  12. They are used to make the gullible people who hire the ghost hunters think they actually know what they're doing and are doing something. If they just admitted that there was no such thing as ghosts, they'd have to go out and get real jobs. Instead, they show up with fancy equipment and say they're detecting something, and they get paid.

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