
What is the purpose of THIS Life?

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What is the purpose of THIS Life?




  1. good question,  I think it depends on the person.  Each person has a different purpose for being here.  I'm reading a really good book called "creating a world without poverty".  It touches on the issues of why we each are here.  I think on an overall basis we aren't here to kill one another under any circumstances.  Personally I think as a whole we can't keep up this pace.  My opinion is a little less big business profiteering and a little more compassion could do wonders, especially in here in the USA.  but that's my opinion I can't speak for others. good luck finding it

  2. It is really, really up to you to create your goals and purpose as how to live your life. And knowing what knowledge, skills, talents and experience you have, you are actually the BEST person to become the ARCHITECT of your LIFE. It is the most precious thing and therefore it must be planned and executed with a lot of attention and caution. Peace and cheers!!!

  3. To do good and prove that we are worthy of the next life. Different religions interpret that as different things, but almost every religion is about being a good person through charity and good works, putting the focus of your life on others and their needs instead of your own.

  4. I recommend you a very meaningful book that can tell u an answer to your question..I used to face the same doubt as you and after reading this book all my doubts are clear..The book name is "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren..Hope u find the meaning of life..good luck

  5. This question is a category malfunction. It sounds like a real question but is not. It is loaded with bias. For instance the use of the word 'purpose' impels supernatural elements. The implication of the word, 'THIS' impels there are other lives we will live.

    If you do not like my answer you should not have posted it in philosophy.

  6. to become happy.

    in my opinion.

    hope i helped.

  7. To be happy and to make some one happy.

    To be secure and make someone secure.

    To smile and make someone smile.

    And the greatest gift is to love someone unconditionally.

  8. It's to achieve soul progression.

  9. if your are a believer the life is a test there ae too many temptation and good and bad things to do if you do the good will go to the paradise and if you do the bad thing you will go the h**l and there you will be immortal the life just a station preparing you for another life ..

    but if you do not beloeve in the other life your life is of no purpose choose your life style the you will be buried one meter under ..for me i can not imagine after living the whole the life and after all the good and bad days and all the suffer and happiness it will end just in a wooden box there is another life ........

  10. Pro-creation. The goal & purpose of all species.

  11. The purpose of our life is a plan that includes our existence.  If such a plan exists, there must be a Creator.  

    The first answerer says our purpose is to try and discover our purpose.  Yes, but the only way we will discover it is to seek our Creator.  Then we realize that seeking our Creator is our  purpose.

  12. I wondered the same thing for years but no one had the answer. Then bam in the last place I ever thought the answer would come from it did. We all have a purpose in life , and in the pages of the new testament it was re veiled to me. This life is for the refining of character, a chance to define charity, humility and love. To perfect ourselves in Christ and shine in his glory, to devote ourselves to the spreading of his message and the salvation of the lost sheep. For the Lord returns soon be ready.

  13. You will answer this question when you start really living instead of just going meh, I don't like life much so what is it's purpose?

  14. To enjoy and be entertained by all that God has created.  The best way I've found to do that is to be the best person I can be and to put love into the world.

  15. i think its to reproduce, every animal and creature does it to carry on the species, not saying that everyone should have children but i think that's what the intention was

  16. To try and discover the purpose of life.

  17. to Love it.Ü

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