
What is the purpose of The Speaker of The House?

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Nancy Pelosi what is her purpose?




  1. It is a bully seat for the party in power to only allow bills the party in power wants to bring to a vote. That is why the economy is in such a mess from the last two years of Democrat Party Rule.

  2. Her purpose is to ignore the duties of Congress and make sure the real issues do not get discussed on the floor so that the Democrats can spend all their time making up groups to "investigate" anything they can think of.

    From the official web site:

    As specified in the rules and customs of the House, responsibilities of the Speaker include:

    Calling the House to order.

    Administering the oath of office to House Members.

    Presiding over debate, recognizing Members to speak on the floor, and preserving order; or delegating that power to another Member of Congress.

    Setting the legislative agenda.

    Leading the appointment process for the chairs of the various committees and subcommittees in the House, including conference committees which negotiate final versions of legislation.

    Oh yeah, if the President and Vice President die she steps into the oval office where she can become the worst President in the history of this nation.

  3. Nancy Pelosi has no purpose other than taking the opposite side of GWB and/or the Republicans at every turn, from what I have observed of her these past two years.  Seriously . . . does this lady have any substance or definable convictions?

  4. The speaker is the presiding officer of the house.  She recognizes speakers, rules on motions, and keeps order in the debates.  She has great influence on committee appointments within her own party.

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