
What is the purpose of a cow?

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What is the purpose of a cow?




  1. LOTS of stuff we get like ALL our dairy from them i mean we wouldn't have cheese milk ICECREAM!! or LOTS of stuff because lots of things need milk or some dairy product to make it and not 2 mention the meat! no cheeseburgers no steak without cows...

  2. to provide milk and beef for people that eat and drink it. or for my grandfather, he uses them to raise and then sale to make a proffit off of them..

  3. milk, beef and to keep grazing to keep the grass down..

    ha ha

  4. The purpose of a cow is life

    OK,Im a membor of peta and let me tell you the purpose is not to eat them ok,the little things are ok to praduce milk

    but no harm ok,and dont put it as cows are meninless

    you would be dead with out cows

  5. That's like asking what is the purpose of a Human or a Dolphin.  All are mammals.

    Our purpose is to live life and find happiness hopefully.

  6. To spread dominant native grasses from one area to another.  By eating grass in one location then walking to another location to defecate and spread the seeds in this new place so it can grow and eventually take over.

  7. to be eaten and to f**t and contribute to global warming but they taste really good

  8. Many things such as Belts, Bags, Tobacco pouches, Rugs on the floor in front of an open fire, those things that cowboys wear, that hang around their groin, [I don't know what they are called], Nail pouches, Gun holsters and many more.

    I hope this work!

    Thank you for your time!

  9. A cow probably serves more purpose than you ever will.

  10. What is the purpose of a human?  Or, any living being?  Its purpose is to be.

  11. the cows "S purpose is to give us milks

    and blesses

    the cow is prayed by us in india just like god

    best of luck!!

    keep smiling:)))

  12. Food for people who are not vegans... aka omnivores or carnivores.

  13. tut tut to all these silly think a big man in the sky thought he'd make cows cos the humans would like how it tasted? i doubt it. askin the purpose of the cow is like askin what is the purpose of any living thing on this planet?

    sorry to get deep, but my deep answer is the right answer :P

  14. It takes up a spot in the food chain, an evolutionary pathway kept alive by humans interested in milking and eating it.

  15. Well, among other things....





    Medical Products (trypsin, corticotrophin, thrombin)

    Automobile and bicycle tires contain stearic acid, which makes the rubber hold its shape under continuous surface friction. Even the asphalt on our roadways contains a binding agent derived from the fat of beef cattle.

    Beef by-products are also used in all sorts of mechanical items. For example, chemical manufacturers use the fatty acids of inedible beef fats and proteins for the production of lubricants and fluids. From industrial cleaners and fertilizers to printing ink and high gloss for magazines, many useful products are created from beef cattle.

    And the list goes on....99% of a cow is utilized after slaughter

  16. to live freely , feed / raise its young

    &take dumps to make healthy soil

    nothing but that


  17. The original pupose of the cow was to spy on the Earth and send information back to their home planet of Asteeronax in the Taurus constellation.

    They wanted to invade the earth and create a literal Mootopia.

    But as time went by their planets ozone depleted sizzling every citizen to what we would call culinary perfection.

    The Mootopian agents left here on earth were soon discovered and were kept as slaves by the human race.

    This happened millions of years ago and today the decendants of the original invaders are used for food and other various products.

    We must not let the cow gain the foothold on our planet that it originally came to make.

    We must keep the modern cow at bay or else our planet may become udderly defenseless against this crafty enemy.

  18. To make delicious steaks!  And cold, creamy milk.  And wonderfully-smooth ice cream.

  19. You could ask that of any living creature (including humans); they weren't designed with any purpose. All species evolved. Cows of course being mammals produce milk for their young. Somewhere along the line humans got the notion to drink another species milk. Domesticated cows were breed over thousands of years for their milk and meat. I don't believe it is at all healthy to consume them and certainly the cattle raised on factory farms suffer a great deal.

  20. Special use for the Muslims: Sacrificing in the Eid day by the name of Allah

    Special use for the Hindus:Honoring as a Goddess

    In the third world: Cultivating, milking,cow dung as natural manure etc.

    In the developed world: Milking and using as a source of meat, Bio gas>electricity.

    Special use: Leather and bone for multiple purposes.

  21. Well if you don’t use it for food then you can use the p**p as fertilizer.

  22. are you serious? didn't you have one of those farm animal noise makers when you were a kid "the cow goes MOOOOOOOOO"

    it's the first animal you learn about... figure it out buddy!

  23. there are many purposes.

    we can drink their milk, eat their meat, look at them, ride them if you mistake it for a bull..

  24. duh, its a stupid animal thats not very fast and is easy to kill. Basically easy food.

  25. Well for a normal train, the serve only as obsticals.  

    But for a Blazing Locomotive such as yourself, cows are NOTHING!

  26. My Whopper....

    "What if our world was their Heaven?" - Philip K. d**k

  27. milk, cheese, icecream, all sorts of things because milk is use to make alot of stuff and without a cow we wont have any of it.

  28. Milk..meat..and if the world suddenly dropped to negative tempatures you could empty out the body contents and live in a cow's body


    That was random/weird, I know

  29. Milk ,meat,we use every part of the cow even balls and stuff for sausages and hot dogs.

  30. Primary purpose is for meat (Hamburgers, ribs, steaks, etc)

    Milk for dairy products


    some cows are used for medical experiments.

    Cows serve many purposes

  31. Cattle were domesticated perhaps as early as 10,000 years ago, and have long been a principal source of meat, milk, and power for hauling loads and tilling land. The "bovine ilk" (in Ogden Nash's inimitable phrase) was the first large creature to be genetically engineered, in the sense that it was selectively and intensively bred. In the millennia since early Mesopotamians first converted the fierce, ancestral aurochs into the contented cow, a wide variety of specialized breeds have been developed. And of all those breeds, according to M.R. Montgomery, the epitome of bovinity is the Aberdeen Angus, or Black Angus, cow.

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