
What is the purpose of a high carbon tax?

by Guest11022  |  earlier

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What is the purpose of a high carbon tax?




  1. It's an incentive to lower your carbon footprint.  We'll be paying for it with the water we drink and the air we breath later if capitalist governments don't take control over the issue now.  It's mostly an incentive for corporations (who produce the most) to receive credit for the carbon they save.

    It's a good system, but needs still needs improvement.

  2. It's another excuse for politicians to take your money and give it to their friends.  Like tobacco taxes, they know they can get away with it because the target is politically incorrect.

  3. The purpose of a high carbon tax is to get the green fascists off the backs of our politicians.

    Governments need to tax people to pay for the services they provide. A fair tax system is one where the tax burden is being evenly or fairly distributed so that everyone pays their fair share.

    The carbon taxes are shifting the tax burden to those who use large quantities of carbon based fuels. They include farmers who produce our food, manufacturers who produce goods we use, and transportation services needed to bring food and goods to market.

    The costs of food and goods will rise because the cost of production and transportion will go up as a result of carbon taxes.

    The whole premise that carbon taxes will reduce energy requirements is invalid. Our energy requirements will not go down unless there are more efficient ways available to use energy.

    Carbon taxes do nothing to reduce carbon emissions but give the appearance that government is doing something about carbon emissions. The carbon taxes are being put into place to respond to a demand from the green fascist movement.

    The green fascists would like to have you freeze in the dark in order to reduce the effect of our population on the earth's environment.

  4. To raise money for the government!

    I don't think that they are designed to save the planet, but if people think that the tax is helping with the environment, they are happier when paying it!

    An example of what I am talking about is the tax on petrol.  In the UK petrol costs around £1.10/litre or £5.00 ($10) per gallon!  Most of that is tax!  

    If they were serious about cutting pollution they would invest massively in alternatives such as railways etc so we could use our cars less, but they don't!

    We keep on driving, they keep taking the money, pollution keeps increasing!

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