
What is the purpose of a marriage certificate?

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What is it used for once you have obtained it?




  1. Its meant to be hung on the hallway wall ,so the last thing you see when you leave the house is a reminder of your commitment to your wife and family.Unfortunately my wife used ours to remind me by smashing me on the back of the head with it after a night out with the boys,some ya win some ya loose.

  2. A document to show that two people are married by law, not just some one saying they are married.

  3. Something you can destroy and feel good about (closure) after a divorce is finalized.

  4. it is for the proof of marriage.

  5. It's official proof that your married.

  6. So when you split your other half can claim 50% of your stuff! lol

    Its like a money-back guarentee really.  

  7. It is the legal document which says that you are married.  It works in the same way as a birth or death certificate, you will need it to prove that you are married for change of name, banking and tax purposes (to name a few)

  8. The purpose for the certificate - in our house - is so that my husband can boss me about and remind me that on paper he owns half my a**..    

  9. Wipe your *** with it. I don't think it means anything in this day in age anyway since no one today honors their vows anyway.

    If this is a real question you need to keep it for proof of marriage. You will need it one day.

  10. To prove you are married & you need it for certain things like getting a divorce :)

  11. It's a legal document, all though there is a copy of it with the state/town/city you applied for it.

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