
What is the purpose of a movie screening?

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My friend got free tickets to go see Disaster movie before it even comes out. She said it's a "movie screening". I'm just wondering what the purpose is behind this. Why do movie theatres let people see the movie for free before it comes out?




  1. Test marketing. They usually ask you about the movie once you've seen it.

  2. i'm seeing Disaster movie too

  3. Usually so critics can see it and write a review before it comes out.

  4. It's a promotion. They want you to see it and say that it was great and tell everybody. That way more people will see it when it comes out so they can make more money that opening weekend.

  5. in post production they literally arrange the movie together into a cohesive story.  there are several versions, they watch for reactions to see what works and what doesn't.  you'd be amazed how scenes being put in a different order changes a movie.

  6. It's not the theater that's offering the free screening, it's the studio. They do it in hopes of creating some advance buzz the week of the opening, and they often invite critics to come so reviews can get into papers on opening day.

  7. Preview screenings allow the movie maker to get an idea of how well or how badly the movie will do when it opens.  Depending on test audience reactions, they  might actually make changes to the movie's final release version.  Some movies get shot with several versions of their endings or key sequences.  Sometimes, if the audience reaction is sufficiently bad, they can delay public release until they can re-shoot parts of the movie the audience didn't like.  

    Usually driven by the people who money into the movie and would like to make money back...  :)  

  8. they do this to see what people like and don't like about the movie. Then they change stuff around and release it. That's why sometime movies have alternate endings or beginnings, and deleted scenes.

  9. I just went to one for The Soloist, they like to see what needs fixing in the movie before it is released.  Warning though... they try to get you to stay after the movie for a discussion.  They plant people throughout the audience that are looking for people who enjoyed the movie...then they ask those people to stay after.  As long as you do not seem to enthused they should leave you alone.  But it is a lot of fun, and it is free so you should go.  

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