
What is the purpose of a trike?

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I saw 3 fat people on trikes on my way into work. They were Honda Goldwings that were converted into a trike. I said to myself, wow how stupid. (They were all wearing matching pink t-shirts too, no helmets, just do-rags.) I thought about this long and hard in my 1/2 hour commute.

1. Why not buy a convertible?

2. Are they just for people that are too fat and lazy to do anything? (these people were all overweight)

3. How much does it cost?

4. Do they call themselves motorcyclists? ( I HOPE NOT )

5. Can you do a wheelie on one?

If I ever become in a state where I can't balance on two wheels or handle the weight of my bike I wan't my girlfriend/wife to put me down veternarian style. LOL




  1. the prupose of a trike is ...................for riding. Nxt question.

  2. Well azshole, a buddy of mine got his leg ripped off by a Buick and rather than give up riding ,he had a Road KIng converted into a trike.

    I also know an old timer in the Vietnam Vets MC, that has a bad knee that has given out on him while at a stop light one too many times , so he got himself a Lehman trike.

    And yes, Jay's Road King will wheelie.

  3. 1 you can go to bike rallies  on a trike

    2 some are disabled so its a way off keeping in the biker community better than a tin box any day,

    3  boom & rewaco about £ 16,000  one of our lads has £30,000 in his at the moment paint job ect & he still wants to do more to it,

    4 yes why not  ? some contribute more to motorcycling than a lot of so called bikers, one of ours took  a coach load of old ladies on his trike 3 at a time  they loved it & every one of them went away realising  bikers are  human,

    5  yes one of our lads has a honda acord engine in one  it has to have wheelie bars on to stop it fliping,

    wow super motor cycle rider(lol) there is no such thing get cocky you are heading for a fall, then lets see if you have the balls to get back on a bike, when you have been riding for 30 od  years then  you might be fit to comment there is more to biking than  your little world

  4. There are so many ways to answer this arrogant, ignorant question but sometimes you just have to realize that would just be 15 minutes of my life I could never get back.

  5. i reckon every1 have their own preferences.Some like bikes,some like trikes..but what i feel's that either they cant ride bikes coz they cant even ride bicycles or their legs are too short.Usually fat people have short legs!So they dont care how much it takes to build one so long people turn aruond to look not realizing that people turn around to look at them trikes..not who's driving it.In my country,people who ride 3wheeleres are rickshaw peddlars.

  6. Some people physically CAN'T ride on two wheels. Some guys are married to women that want to ride with them but can't ride a bicycle and are scared to try. My wife wants one and she is probably more able than YOU to work, she just doesn't trust herself on a bike and that alone could make her a danger to herself trying to ride. If you can't realize that everyone has an option as to what they ride/drive, then maybe you need to be put down now?

  7. yes, these people want a motorcycle but are either unable to ride one, or are too lazy...

    trikes serve very little (if any) purpose...

  8. actually, trikes are very popular, we even allow them in our Harley rodeo. And the crowd loves them. They are great for people who enjoy the freedom  of riding a motorcycle, but may be physically disabled. Some people have vertigo ( I know that's a big word for someone as opinionated as you are, but read it slow, you can figure it out) that prevents them from balancing on two wheels. A very close friend of mine suffered a severe injury to his leg that left him crippled when a cager turned left in front of him. He has been riding for over 45 years and missed the experience. He just triked his Ultra at a cost of $10,000 and is now very active with his riding again. Anyone stupid enough to try to tell him he isn't a "motorcyclist" would very quickly learn what the inside of their butt looks like cuz he'd shove their head up it.

    Since when does weight have anything to do with someone enjoying a motorcycle? I'm 6'3" and weigh 314lbs having been a weight lifter for many many years,and your welcome to stop by and try to criticize me anytime. Judging by the opinionated jist of your "question" I'd guess you are under 24 and ride a crotch rocket which you think makes you the all knowing judge of other people.  I've scraped up the remains of too many of you that tried to show off or go too fast when they shouldn't.  I myself, in my younger days did a lot of the stuipid things too. I was lucky. I honed my skills on the dirt, and a race track long before hitting the street. And had a really fast flying guardian angel.

    I've also had to deal with the dead, and severely injured that your kind run into or over when you try to show off, including small children killed when a "go fast"  T boned the mini van 3 of them were riding in. Well I'd rather ride with those people on their trikes and matching shirts anytime, then some "gotta go fast" opinionated immature little guy like you.

    I've seen trikes with small block v8 engines in em as well as standard bike motors. Yes, you can wheelie one (don't ask how I know, but bear in mind that I was once young and immature too) And, many of them can smoke the rear wheels better and farther than many so called "muscle cars". As for do rags , I wear one most of the time.Sometimes I wear a helmet, sometimes I don't.  I'm well over 21 (trust me on that) and have been riding for 42 years. I can make up my own mind on wearing one or not. Yes, I belong to a motorcycle club with 500 local members, and over 1 million members world wide. No, I don't run with the 1% crowd anymore, although I used too in my younger days. As for your last statement, if you are a true rider who enjoys the lifestyle, the freedom and wind in your face, you would do anything you could, including adding a sidecar or a trike kit to be able to continue riding. I just hope when you get older, and have a few more broken bones that leave you in pain to the extent that you have to trike it, that some opinionated immature little guy just like you are now, rides along side you and tells you what a joke you are and how you are not a real motorcyclist.

    But take heart my friend, IF you live thru this period in your life, you will gain enough experience that you (hopefully) outgrow the immaturity. When you do, look me up, I'll be the "old fat guy" on the trike or with the sidecar, cuz I intend to ride till the day I die, no matter if I have to put training wheels on my Ultra just to keep it shiney side up or not.

    Ride safe

    And save the thumbs down, I just ignore them anyway.

  9. oh come on.... you woudln't ride a Can-Am Spyder GS Roadster?

  10. You get the lack of protection of a motorcycle, with the acceleration of a VW Beetle. The worst of both worlds.

    Most cruisers can't do a wheelie, and a trike is an especially heavy cruiser. You need a remarkable engine and transmission to pull off a wheelie in a trike. Can be done but most conversions won't.

  11. To each their own - I have only seen a couple that were visually appealing - wouldn't ride or own one myself.

    1. Why not buy a convertible?  I guess they want to be different.

    2. Are they just for people that are too fat and lazy to do anything? (these people were all overweight).  The owner of the BIG (biker Information guide) rides one, she is not fat.

    3. How much does it cost?  No clue, conversion kits are pricey, they show up in bike magazines all the time, usually a couple grand, if I remember correctly.

    4. Do they call themselves motorcyclists? ( I HOPE NOT ).  Pretty sure they do.

    5. Can you do a wheelie on one?  Sure you could search youtube and find one doing a wheelie, can't be bothered to look.

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