
What is the purpose of blu-ray disks?????

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What is the purpose of blu-ray disks?????




  1. For audio/video, they have better video and audio quality.  For data use, they can hold about 50 GB of data as well (I have a Blu-Ray RW on my laptop).

  2. Because your question is being asked in Home Theater.

    Blu-ray disc are a High Def Video Disc.

    They can store much more information than a DVD.

    This makes them a great media to use with the large files used with High Def.

    Not only do you view a better picture. The audio files are uncompressed (giving you much crisper audio).

    If your looking into buying one for yourself look at the Sony models. They invented the format. You can buy a Play Station 3 and use it to play these disc.

    If you can spend more money I wound suggest buying a model that has a network adapter that allows itself to update it's firmware automatically.

    It's a big diapointment when you buy or rent a movie and can't view it till after you update your firmware. (but thats an anwser to another question).

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