
What is the purpose of coolant in nuclear reactors?

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What is the purpose of coolant in nuclear reactors?




  1. A coolant is a component in the nuclear reactor in order to prevent its overheating, transferring the heat produced by it to other devices that utilize or dissipate it.

    An ideal coolant has high thermal capacity, low viscosity, is low-cost, and is chemically inert, neither causing nor promoting corrosion of the cooling system.

    'Heat transfer fluiId' is another name for coolants.

    inert gases are frequently used as coolants in gas-cooled nuclear reactors. Helium is the most favored coolant due to its low tendency to absorb neutrons and become radioactive. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide are frequently used as well.

    Heavy water is used in some nuclear reactors; it also serves as a neutron moderator.

  2. in some reactors like CANDO, it acts as moderator (slowing down of neutrons) as well as to cool

  3. to extract the heat from the core of the reactor.

  4. its a substance, usually liquified sodium, used to prevent overheating of a reaction.  

  5. In order to minimise the heat effect produced in the nuclear reactor,we use a coolant.

  6. think for one second about the name of what you are referring to: coolant - what does that suggest that it does? it keeps the uranium rods cool....

  7. Well, to cool down the reactors

  8. Nuclear reactor produces a large amount of heat coz there are fast moving

    atoms in the reactor, so the coolent is required

  9. coolant absorbs heat produced in the reactor,thus decreases the temperature inside the reactor core.

  10. to cool the excess heat in reactors

  11. it is used to reduce the heat of the reactors

  12. Coolants have almost d same purpose in a nuclear reactor as water has in a thermal power station. Water is used so that the steam produced due to d heat produced by heatin' coal can be used to produce electricity. In d case of a coolant,d heat produced by d nuclear fission in the reactor willl heat up the coolant which will later pass ina pipe through a container of water that gets heated due to the heat carried on by the coolant from d reactor. D steam produced is used to produce electricity. Thus.d work of coolant is to transfer d heat from the reactor to water.In this process the coolant effectively cools d reactor---thus d name.  

  13. It is to keep the nuclear reactor at moderate temperature conditions as lot of heat is generated during the fission process. It is in this process we extract the energy from the reactor. Actually what happens in cooling is the heat energy generated from the fission is transferred from the reactor     to the coolant(generally water). With this energy the water gets converted into steam and this is used to run the turbines to generate electrical power.    

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