
What is the purpose of falling inlove if you always end up drifting away?

by  |  earlier

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it's dumb, I mean people live their entire lives in search of that especial some one and always find the one who they think it's gonna be it, and in the end it's all broken promises, dissapointment, even suffering.

What is the purpose of playing with our hearts this way? would it be better to just accept reality and live alone without bothering?

supposedly love lasts only 18 months on average, or so sicentists say, so why bother? year and a half of so called happines to end up alone again trying to do it all over again.

Sorry but love is overrated.




  1. that only happends when you look for it!!!

    Take a break... love yourself and others will too

    yeah sounds corney but true..

  2. Infatuation is short lived, but love is something different. If you go into something expecting to find that "someone special" to fill the void inside you, then you are going at it all wrong. First you have to love yourself, then when you are feeling good inside, you can attract someone who is good for you. And even then all the work isn't over. Because if you get complacent and take it for granted, then love will drift away and you'll wonder what happened. You have to stay on top of it every day. Love is worth it though, because love is what makes you grow, it feeds your soul. Sure you can live alone and not bother, but isn't that rather cowardly?

  3. that is why after the magical stage is gone, and routine and reality sets in ,you start to work your issues with compromise and responsibility.

  4. My husband and I have been together for 4 years and married for 3 and we are still in love. We have had our fair share of issues but we always work them out and move on. Just yesterday I was telling him that I couldnt imagine my life without him and he told me that he could live his without me. So I dont believe its true.

  5. I agree that is what love turns out to be alot of times but it's not always that way.  Ever heard the phrase "It's better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all"?    

  6. Take care of number ONE first. Burn or be burned and if the fire flickers, stomp it out and light up another. Too expensive though.

    solution: fly to Vegas, rent a car and drive to legal bordello. Get your goodies whacked, pay up, drive to airport, fly home. DONE, no nagging, no kids, no muss, no fuss, DONE!!!  AND IT'S LEGAL!!!

  7. You need to look at this another way. Number one, what may have happened in the past, won't necessarily happen in the future. If you have someone who is wonderful, honest, loving, accepting of you with all your faults, warts and all, knows you better than you know yourself, accepts your ups and downs, gives you space when you need it, support when you need it. why throw that away? That kind of love is rare. You might find it once, if really lucky twice, but if you have found someone willing to do all of that and then some for you? Marry this person. You let them walk away, or push them away out of fear, who loses? You do.

      Don't let past hurts color how you see love. Life is too short my friend, you should be happy, and if you have someone who makes you happy, you need to tell them, stand by them, walk with them, lean on them, let them lean on you, be open to loving each other. What you get in the end, is the real prize. Its not all about looks, body size, wallet size, etc. If they are there for you, love you for you, you have the ultimate prize that cannot be bought. Think about it.

  8. finding love for 18 not true love..True love last for ever...

    I've been married for almost 18 years. and true love will hit you when your not ready for it..

    I was not ready and i was not looking for it either..and plus don't give your heart away so easily next time ok..take your time...

  9. get someone new every 18 months.. simple....don't marry them tho lol....


    be independant ...own etc then you can take the best bits of a relationship when one comes along without changing your whole life and self because you'll already be happy!!

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