
What is the purpose of fingernails?

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what are its origins?




  1. natures rubix cube

  2. We evolved from a digging animal, which existed at the time of the dinosaurs, which is why our fingernails grow much faster than our toenails. They were selected for, evolutionarily, on that basis, for forward digging using the forelimbs and claws, specifically.

    Prior to that time, they still existed as claws, in a more generalised form, though.  

  3. a man needs claws for defence purposes.

  4. ancestors evolved them to dig easier and as the trait got carried on it got other uses. but we can still use them to dig :)

  5. We have them because once upon a time, we were primates and as primates, we needed them for things like picking parasites off of our bodies and scratching foods opened.

    They were also used to protect the toes and fingernails as we did walk on them once upon a time. They are needed for manipulating and scratching.

    They relate to hoofs and claws.

    Nowadays they are more of an evolutionary left-over.

    We don't necessarily need them any more, we just haven't evolved to the point where they're gone yet, like our wisdom teeth.

    They are made of keratin and other minerals, which is the same thing your hair is made of.

  6. Fingernails evolved from the claws. They serve to protect the tip of the fingers. You will find them useful when you are slicing onions with a sharp knife.

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