
What is the purpose of going to an oxygen bar?

by Guest34239  |  earlier

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do you just go to breathe?

how does it work?

and why do people go?




  1. They have different tanks filled with different types of oxygen. The tanks are kinda like the ones used to blow up balloons that are filled with helium. People go in because the smog is so bad, it literally feels bad to breath, taste whatever. It helps to get a whiff of fresh air and continue with your day.  They have different smells like mountain air and desert air. You just go in put down some money and tell them what you want, kinda like a bar.

  2. A bunch of us medical people would do this before we started our morning shift after a heavy night of drinking.  Not sure how/if it really did help our bodies, but we always claimed to feel better.

  3. kana 1215 is quite correct,  I was also in the medical field [when I was a student nurse]  and agree that the morning wiff of oxy was a saviour after a heavy night, having it before a night out doesn't extend your capacity or stop you suffering next morning, stick with it for a recovery the morning after

  4. There is no point to it; other than to enrich the oxygen bar owner.

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