
What is the purpose of government?

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The liberals believe that it is to have the greatest of all roles in a society while conservatives believe the less the better... The constitution answers this questions, but regardless of the nation, what in your opinion is the fundamental role of governments in a society.




  1. Its basically a protection racket. Mostly for contracts but also for the common basic protections...

  2. To manage society.

    think about it, who would stop you from killing someone?

    Who would give justice to someone stealing from you?

    without government the world would be complete anarchy... people are too bad for anything good too happen.

    thats why I believe in eugenics... kill anyone who is not productive to society. Yay communism.

  3. The government acts as the controller: it controls how a country and its people should be governed, how a country's economy should progress and how its coffers should be utilized.


  5. "In general the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give to the other." [Voltaire]

    "The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods."[H. L. Mencken]

  6. To subjugate the people.

  7. To tell lies

  8. Purpose of the federal government is to provide a common defense and promote the general welfare of the people. All other social services should be given to either the state governments, or, more importantly, and even better, THE PEOPLE! The purpose of the federal government was not to have hundreds of social services for the people. This expansion of the federal gov't over time can be shown through the executive branch and the President's cabinet, now. Originally there were 4 members of the cabinet. Now there are 15 (not including Level I of the Executive Schedule, and  Cabinet-level administration offices).

    Our founding fathers would not be happy with how much strength the gov't has attained. Originally, our first politicians were not only politicians, but also farmers, and worked hard to make a living. If you asked them their job they would say they were a farmer, not a politician. Gov't was not very noticeable to the citizens. Now you can't read the newspaper, or turn on the TV without having every article and station being about what the government is doing to invade upon our lives.

  9. Depends on the agenda of those who establish or reconsitute the government and administrate it.  Because it is generally comprised of ambitious men, government often has its own purposes, which may or may not coincide with those it governs.  Indeed, governments often pursue interests that require young men be sent off to kill and be killed. That's  been the way.    

    Government also provides the wherewithall for regional, state and national infrastructure, the regulation of commerce, the distribution of Justice, etc, etc,.  

    The primary duty of Government is to establish and maintain the conditions for the commonweal to flourish.  Period.

  10. to control and destroy our lives...

  11. to serve all the people.not for the people to serve it.the last great conservative president was Regan.

  12. To make sure we all don't destroy one another...

  13. As the preamble to the Constitution says " establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity..."

  14. The purpose of government is THE PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY.  It's right in the Declaration of Independence, as well as a book called THE LAW, by Frederick Bastiat.  The purpose of the law is to protect our freedoms, and out lives.

    For this reason, when you hear some corrupt politicians refer to "a compelling government interest", you know he is lying.  The government has NO interest, other than to protect our freedoms.  

    Government is a necessary evil.  We only tolerate government, because without it, there would be no freedom.  We want just enough government to protect our freedom.  When government out steps the limits of the Constitution, tyranny is the result.  We are seeing that now, with the Patriot Act, and the rest of the police state legislation that our criminal politicians have been enacting.

  15. government is there to maintain order of its society and make the best of choices for it our gov(assuming ur in the USA) is a democracy and people pick who they want to run the gov so really its our choice who runs gov

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