
What is the purpose of humans? why are we here? what is our purpose? are we on a mission we need to know?

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What is the purpose of humans? why are we here? what is our purpose? are we on a mission we need to know?




  1. Our purpose is to propagate our species and pass on any potentially advantageous genes. As intelligent, self aware beings capable of the high level of communication that we are, I would add that we are also obliged to discover, develop and pass on any further advantages to our survival.

  2. We're here like any other animal, to survive and reproduce. I don't think we will ever know our mission.

  3. Yes. Yes. Yes. No.

  4. Our purpose is to live good lives and try to improve the lives of others.

    We are just going to be a blip in time compared to the age of the universe as a whole.

    Just look at the sky at night, some of the light you see started on it's journey to us millions of years ago. And who knows what it really looks like in the present time there.

    Enjoy the gift of life we have been given and be helpful to your fellow travelers in the short time we will all be around.

  5. God made us so that we can glorify Him and testify to His majesty and the fact that He is our maker. It is his desire that every human will come to know Him, and once they do, to share the good news with others. That is our mission.

  6. h**l if I know.

  7. you sure contemplate on life a lot. but it is your own choice what your living purpose is. maybe your purpose in life is actually to be looking for one - meaning, finding a bigger cause than simply existing, loving something/someone. you need to figure this out on your own. :)

  8. were just here cause we are. were all just living life. no purpose. this is just how it ended up.

  9. It is our purpose to figure out what is good and what is bad, and then increase the good and decrease the bad.  


    If you're an atheist then increasing the good and decreasing the bad makes life better for everyone including yourself, and encourages others to do likewise.

    Even if you believe that we're all just animals (and that perpetuation and survival of the human race is paramount) then this still applies - human-kind is better off.


    If you're religious then increasing the good and decreasing the bad does all the above, and gets you into heaven/ out of h**l, or finds you enlightenment etc etc.

    The problems arise when we fail to ask what is good and bad, or when we get the answers wrong...

    ...or when we fail to act on the answers.

    That's when we fail to fulfil our purpose.

  10. Why does it matter? We are here because it just worked out that way.

  11. The Bible says we are but pilgrims passing through.  This is just a journey.  Our eternal life still awaits us:  Heaven or h**l.

  12. our purpose here is to find somebody to share love with,.

  13. No one knows.  If someone starts out with "the bible said" or "God" understand they are very foolish and dont believe a things they say.

  14. The answer is: Why not? We are not here for any reason, we are here because we can be here. The purpose of life is to be happy and make those around you happy.

  15. why is anything here and whats theyre purpose, questions like this just lead to more questions.

  16. I think we are here to ruin the planet?  B/c that is what we are doing.

  17. We won the genetic lottery and got high powered brains.  Our purpose is to procreate.  We are here because we evolved.  Are we on a mission?  Yes, but it depends on what and who you are.  Is there a god.  Yes

  18. if we need to know the mission you think we would know by now? and you asked the same question 3 times in different ways. we are here because of evolution our purpose is to wonder if we have a purpose or just move on and accept that you will never know.

  19. Because God wanted us here. Isn't that awesome that we get the chance of life because God felt like making us :) And for everyone's individual purposes only that person will truly know.

  20. I think the human race is a bet or experiment between beings of a higher intelligence say for example the Q.

    I think that the aim of the experiment is to see how quickly we can rape the earth of it's fruit and destroy each other in the process.

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