
What is the purpose of laughter ?

by Guest63734  |  earlier

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What is the purpose of laughter ?

also smiles ? everything has a purpose .. or use to.

We naturally laugh and smile. This is not a trait that was taught to us. Babies laugh and smile all the time.

Does laughter have something to do with intelligence ? If so .. some larger species of bird, dolphins and apes are thought to be just as intelligent as humans .. if not more. Do they experience some type of laughter ?





  1. I definitely believe that laughter is a sign of intelligence. That's because in life there are many depressing things waiting out there for us. However, if we can take the lead and tried to break through the pain, thus creating joy....happiness...laughter....smliles etc. It's important to be able to forgive and forget.

  2. I watch a documentary on it a while back.  They said something to the effect that it was usually a way to socialize and become a member of a group.

    I recall some accounts of chimps playing practical jokes and laughing very much like people do.

    Laughter or smiling is species specific and has nothing to do with intelligence.  Humor does but I don't know how to define why.  Humor is an odd sort of mystery.

  3. Dolphins and Apes are thought to be just as intelligent as humans?....Now, that right there is cause for laughter...Especially if you believe that...

    Laughter is a release, it is also a great way to exercise the 'inside' of ones body. It has been proven that people who laugh live longer than those who don't...

  4. Most basic psychology books have a section on facial communication.  Before speech, we communicated thru facial gestures and sounds such as laughter.  This has become innate or inborn to us.  Many people are taught to recognize facial gestures such as people who hire others for a living.  Study up on it.

  5. Laughter is physical release indicating a sign of pleasure from a thought or through physical contact. I used to work with Chimpanzees in a lab and they would laugh (breathy little grunts) if I tickled under their armpits.  They understood it was play and to have fun with it.

  6. social bonding.

  7. In some cultures, laughter denotes acceptance.  A smile or a laugh can cover an awkward moment.  For children, it means they won't get in trouble for whatever they are being laughed at for.  In a chemical sense, laughter releases chemicals in our body that make us feel good.  That's why we do it, & why we try to make others laugh.  IT FEEL'S GOOD!   Good Luck & Blessings

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