
What is the purpose of life for humans? To accomplish things?

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It seems that when we don't accomplish things, we feel as though we did "nothing". Is that the point of life, to accomplish things? I think that helping others on this earth, working, studying, etc. are all part of accomplishing things, so is that the purpose of life?




  1. I like the way you worded your question.  The purpose of life for humans not God's purpose for our life.  

    Human life was given us to learn from all of our experiences, to love & care for one another, and to love and honor God as best we can.

    God's purpose for our life on earth was told in the Old Testament, Isaiah 14:26, "This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth".  His purpose is given prior to this verse, and it is to tread Satan under His feet and to take his YOKE and his BURDEN from off our shoulders.  Jesus said, "My YOKE is easy, and my BURDEN is light".  Satan's yoke & burden is sin and death.  That is what is tread under God's feet.

  2. There is no purpose of life for there to be a pupose the first must be a creator (god) and I don't beleave in god do you really think god would create us in his image and then leave us here destroying the planet for all the other creatures without intervening no.

    See the truth is God was made in our image to try and control us see originally people worshipped the Sun, Wind, Sea the powers of nature, but they realised they could control people using Gods, of course it was the Roman's that put it into full swing.

    So there is no fixed purpose for life you must create your own now I beleave in karma and energy and as such I beleave we can be reborn but I beleave we chose not some superior being

  3. is to live in the will of god. he created us to love him. and do things that makes him happy. by doing this, he will show us where are we going. our character in this world. such as novel with character with different role. you see, all God created have different characteristics because it is what makes his creation fulfill their character in the world he created. also a machine with different components with different function. and it makes the machine works.

  4. well teacher give lesson, after that takes exam. but life, first  takes exam, after that teaches you.

    i think life is an exam, how you face everything, what you do when you are in need, what you do when you can help other, which way you choose for yourself, how is your behavior. what is your thoughts. and so on. all for next world, the world which is for ever and ever

  5. the purpose is to lead a life that was an oppertunity given by god. for which we will have have the character and faith towards others by leading a simple and honest life which is an exmple for others to follow.

  6. I suggest you read The Purpose Driven Life.

  7. That question is one of the most asked questions of all time. The answer is relative to the person answering it. That is, no one has the same answer. I look back on my life, through all the tragedies, the beatings, the hospitilizations, and my horrid childhood and I often ask myself, "Why did I have to go through all of that ****?" This question reminded me of another age-old question, "Why do we fall?" So we can get up again. Each time we fall, we get back up and learn from our mistakes the first time. That's what life is all about. Learning from our mistakes and teaching the future generations until eventually we are worthy enough to seed the galaxy. That is why our population is so large, so we can spread far and wide across the cosmos. The question is not if we'll colonize the galaxy, but when will we colonize it and will we be worthy enough to do so? Or will we still be the same chaotic, confused mess that humanity is today? That is our goal: to make humanity worthy of inheriting the galaxy. One day we will have the ability to inhabit the stars, but should we inhabit them? Or are we too primitive?

  8. To learn.

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