
What is the purpose of organic clothes and what are they made out of?

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  1. Organic chlothes might refer to the fact that they do not contain synthetic fibers. That would pretty much limit them to cotton or wool (or other plant fibers). It might also refer to the chemicals used to dye or treat the cloth (naturally extracted colorants and no chemical treatment to lessen static, wrinkles, or make the cloth less likely to burn).

    I'm not aware that the term "organic clothing" has been defined by the USDA or other agency.

    The following website discusses organic clothing and gives their definition of what it means.

  2. organic clothes are usually made out of organic cotton, which means they didnt use any pesticide that might harm the environment

  3. All clothes les are organic, except maybe chain mail.

  4. the purpose is to reuse stuff so we save energy.  They are pretty much made out of anything you can recycle.

  5. Organic ... smanic.  Why this trend where everything has to be "organic"?  

    It ranks right up there with, "I don't want my food to contain any chemicals."

    Clothes are made out of organic stuff now.  Cotton is organic. Even synthetic fibers are products of organic chemistry.

  6. my bio teacher had clothes made out of hemp. and no, you couldnt get high off of it.

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