
What is the purpose of share holders in a company can a company be successful without them?

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What is the purpose of share holders in a company can a company be successful without them?




  1. Shareholders are owners of the company. They form a board of directors who select managers for the company to run the business. Minimum 7 persons can form a company business. if there  is no other shareholder even though they 7 persons are the shareholders of the company.So they are backbone of the company. if a company needs larger funds to operate then it needs shareholders. Share holders are integral part of organization and therefore a company can not be successful without them.

  2. In a corporation, a company is a seperate entity, and pre the Business Corporation Act in my state, there must be at least one owner, a shareholder.

  3. Shareholders are the people who invest money in the company so that it has assets with which to operate. They are the owners of the company. Shareholders are owners of corporations, and without them a corporation cannot operate because it would have no invested assets. sole proprietorships, partnerships, and LLCs don't have shareholders, but they still need owners who provide the resources to operate.

    A not-for-profit enterprise can be successful without shareholders, but they still have to get resources from somewhere. Their assets typically come from grants, donations, and gifts. Once they are funded they can operate successfully without shareholders. They consist of foundations, charitable organizations, government agencies, etc.

  4. A company without shareholders is usually privately`owned, not on the Stock Exchange.

    Shareholders invest their money in the company and have some influence by voting at Annual General Meetings.

  5. money...yes if company can operate without investment monies...

  6. Management and How to or Knowledge from professional

  7. For a viable company, one needs a workplace, human capital and share holder capital. If any one of these is missing, it cannot be successful. A company without shareholders is a 'fly by night company'.

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