
What is the purpose of the Eiffel tower?

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Does is actually have a purpose or is it just a giant stack of metal for tourists to oogle at?




  1. The Awful Tower was built to inspire sci-fi movies, giant apes and give depressed Frenchmen someplace to jump off from, oh yeah, and to lure foreign tourists so they can be rude to them. They have one in Paris, TN but it doesn't look as big, because it's standing in a much bigger country.

  2. No. It was an attraction for the World's Fair that was held in Paris. Actually it was supposed to be torn down after the fair was over but the people of France fell in love with it and decided to keep it. And it does serve several purposes as an antenna and several restaurants. Now it is so much a part of Paris, it would be a shame to loose it.

  3. First purpose was to show the power of steel construction for the world fair in paris in 1889.

    - It was built by gustave Eiffel (the guy who built the ossature of the statue of Liberty too)  and was supposed to be demolished afterward. Some people liked it, some did not and there was a big contoversy about it after the fair.

    - Until the telegraph started to emerge, it sealed the need of a tall building to hold the antennas. Telephone and television helped it  stay too.

    - It has then become a symbol of Paris...

  4. It was a spectacle for a World's Fair or something about a hundred years ago, and I think it was intended to be removed, but it was so fascinating, they just kept it there. That's what I was told in French class. Hm, a big phallic object in Paris...seems fitting, I guess.

  5. I don't know a real purpose.

  6. The Eiffel tower was constructed to hold up a"Eiffel" but no one seems to know what an "Eiffel" is,  so they use it for tourists to go up and down.

    It also is handy as a bannana dryer.


  8. It was built during the World Fair in France...

    US had one similar right afterwards, and were wanting to one-up the creator of the Eiffel Tower... So we created the Ferris Wheel... but back then, it had 60 boxes... with electricity, and tables, with full course meals... lol...

  9. Their are many "truths" the official one is for the 1889 world expo in Paris where Gustav Eiffel  started building the tower in 1887 (note he started to built it horizontally then pulled it up straight)

    The real reason is obvious when you know Gustav Eiffel owned a metalworks company, On September 18 1884 Eiffel registered a patent "for a new configuration allowing the construction of metal supports and pylons capable of exceeding a height of 300 metres", equivalent to the symbolic figure of 1000 feet. The world expo was his marketing ploy. The tower was to be later taken apart but its sucess saved it.

    On a side not Eiffel also build the twin edifices of the Porto viaduct and the Garabit viaduct in the Cantal region of France, and his company designed the structure of the statue of liberty. He also worked on the locks of the Panama canal, his biggest contract, which was badly managed by Ferdinand De Lesseps and was one of the biggest financial scandals of the time.

    For more documentation please visit the original site in english

    Hope that helped

  10. A wonder to behold.

  11. Why would you ask such a question, especially if you seem to have provided your own answer? My advice to you, for your sake and for the sake of others: stay home. You're probably one of these people who views travel not as an opportunity to see and experience new things, but rather as a favor wherein you're gracing people abroad with your money. Don't bother. Paris will do just fine without you, as hard as that must be for you to fathom.

  12. It has served its initial purpose for the World Expo in Paris.

    Although, it has elicited some strong reactions and petitions from several influencial parisians to take it down.

    But the thing is, the rise of collossal and iron-based structures much taller than the Eiffel came 40 years later, the likes of the Empire State Building and some more works later from other great nations. Of course the engineering wizardry of Alexandre Gustave Effiel's became known and his influences are meritted.

    As much as the Parisian initially hated was also a matter of "pride"....that now, became a symbol.

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