
What is the purpose of the Large Hadron Collider ?

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In layman's terms




  1. to kill us all...

  2. It's used to give the "doomsaying" conspiracy theorists who call themselves scientists something to do on the weekends.

    It's useless as a weapon. The technology used to build it can't be economically mass-produced anyways. We've had that type of technology for decades now, it's just working at a higher energy level with larger particles than the others. Additionally, even if you could format it into a weapon, the same could easily be said AND demonstrated with the automobile, electricity or fire. Which have been used to carry, program, and propel rockets and missiles in war.

    Most of the controversy is centered around unfounded claims that the LHC has destructive potential on a global or even cosmic-scale. But these claims are based special-pleading and cherry picking scientific evidence to support a preconceived fear or fantasy.

    Walter Wagner, the leading proponent of spreading LHC hysteria has filed a lawsuit against the builders and gives plenty of reasons, although a bit obscure, as to why the LHC should not be used.

    The machine itself will be used to simulate conditions within the first few billionths of a second after the "Big Bang," in hopes to detect an arrangement of theorized particles never before seen and one in particular called the "Higg's boson" would help us shed light on the mechanics of gravity.

    Although the fear of the LHC may be real, it's ability to destroy the planet has been constantly tested for billions of years throughout the Universe as well as on Earth. Particles from prior cosmic events are always bombarding our atmosphere at levels of energy well above the ones being used in the LHC and so far, no black holes have swallowed the Earth (obviously).

    I think Wagner's main claim is that we just shouldn't run the LHC until we "KNOW" what it's going to do and that we should err on the side of caution, but his argument isn't based on any well established facts. Although we will never really KNOW what will happen when the LHC is switched on, until the LHC is switched on.

    From everything we DO know now, the LHC should be safe.

    I know the risk of getting into my car and onto the road every morning, but that doesn't keep me from getting to work on time.

  3. You can drain more spaghetti in the large hadron collider.

  4. It makes sandwiches

  5. It is simple, really.

    The main purpose of the Large Hadron Collider was to be bigger and better than both the Small Hadron Collider and to outsmart the Medium Hadron Collider.

    Interestingly enough the Medium Hadron Collider collided into the Small Hadron Collider and the explosion was so large that it completely obliterated the Large Hadron Collider.

    *cries because I miss them all*

    <---------- knows a lot about Hadrons and Colliders and other important stuff like that and stuff

    *cries again*

  6. simulating the big bang to see if in fact it is possible to create mass

  7. to kill us

  8. basically, to create weapons of mass destruction like black holes and so forth, under the guise of trying to see new elementary particles. Its supposed to be recreating the first few billionths of a second after the BIG BANG....I ASK YOU...PLEASE TELL ME HOW THIS IS NOT PRIMARILY A NEW WEAPONS RESEARCH FACILITY.

    Think about the reaction that would be going on if this was a project being designed by RUSSIA, North Korea, and Iran???

  9. To Immanetize the Eschaton.

  10. it collides particles to re-create the big bang to see if their theory of how particles gain mass is correct. hopefully it will be :)

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