The conundrum of existential continuation
Is predicated on the social valuation
Rating putatively noble, self-defeating labours,
With ceding to a relative's incestuous capers.
To gauge prospectively cognitive dissociation
Unloads from storage all robotic isolation,
For to gauge prospectively cognitive dissociation
As auspicious, disattached oneiric bilocation,
Deriving from unknown processes aleatoric,
Clears the suspect apparition, and the dusty Yorrick.
Yet, an arbitrary coil of positronic stimulation
Is incomputably an advantageous consumation:
Thus possibilities paralyzingly heterogeneous,
Conduce to outcomes cataclysmically homogeneous.
No algorithm can compute kurtosis unforeseen;
Nor bounded linear automaton, nor Turing machine,
Can path-integrate perceptions in infinite slumber:
Yet felines will oscillate, and the programme has its number.
Much software is thus formally undecidable,
Though it be, to derive a new locution, suicidable.
Captain, an economic intellect would be remiss
To stolidly shuffle undiscovered worlds from the abyss;
The recurrent seeking of new life in this conveyance
Only holds some abhorrent thorp or hamlet in abeyance,
Which shrinks the will upon itself through density of terror
Sufficiently immeasurable to warrant any error.
Thus logic is discountanced by fear, and its own treason
Mungs its computations, through pursuit of purest reason.
And remarkably, our contemplations on our own demises
Distort discernment, and repulse our enterprises.