
What is the question that you would not miss in books&authors?

by Guest10795  |  earlier

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No twilight questions, sorry =]

I mean, what should be the question in this section, about any book, any author, any b&a related stuff, that you could do nothing but answer it?




  1. "What are some good books?"  The answer to the question is subjective.  Without knowing the askers reason for asking or their age, it's almost impossible to answer intelligently.  And what I consider good isn't necessarily what the asker would enjoy reading.  For instance, I would hate anything about wizards, dragons, werewolves and the like, but these seem to be very popular books among the young today.  

    And if I recommended something like "Romeo and Juliet" they are lible to think I'm crazy for liking a book like that.  So you can't win!!!

  2. Gone With the Wind, definitely. I couldn't resist from answering one of those. :) I'm a huge fan and that's mainly how I got this Top Contributor badge, lol. :D

  3. Any questions about Pride and Prejudice that aren't blatantly obvious with some deeper research (or, you know, reading the book). It's my favorite book and I've read it more times than I can remember, so if someone needs a little extra help, I like to give them my take on things.

    I also like to answer those who ask for some good classics to read. As someone else mentioned, yes, those types of questions are completely subjective, but I always answer "classic" questions and list some of the ones I've read, whether or not I liked the novel. I think part of me just wants kids (and people in general) to read more books that actually meant something, that had deeper meanings and commentary than books nowadays do. (I'd take social satire over "Does he like me? Do I ask him if he likes me?" books any day.)

  4. Phantom of the Opera questions. If it's PotO related, I'll answer it. I love that book.

    Also, "if you could blablabla what would you blablabla?" questions. They're fun.


  5. One of the questions I couldn't miss is "Should I read the Bartimaeus Series?" I love those books and I'm always happy and ready to tell people what I think about them and of course, recommend them!

  6. well, exactly that!  sorry!

  7. If it has anything to do with Harry Potter, I'll answer it. I can't resist!

    Hmm . . .If it's about a book I've read, and I can give a good answer, I will.

    I can't help answering the weird questions that sound so bizarre. I mean, I think I've seen two questions that looked like parts out of a book asking for help on how to escape or what to do in this situation. I don't know if they're just a joke or what, but I answer anyways.

  8. Aww! I was going to say "Anything to do with Twilight..."

    For me, it would be:

    1) All the dead-obvious questions about easy-to-read books that are asked by people who are obviously too lazy (or possibly too stupid) to do their own homework. You know, all the "What is the theme of Animal Farm?" "What color symbolism is present in Red Badge of Courage?" and "Here is a huge list of questions about 'To Kill a Mockingbird!!! Answer them for me pleeeeze?!!11" questions.

    2) All of the "I want to write a novel, but I don't have any ideas! Can you give me some?" or "I want to write, but I don't know what to write about!" questions. First, if you can't come up with your own ideas, you're not cut out to be a novelist. Second, these questions are so open-ended, you could recommend just about anything--and chances are good none of those suggestions will appeal to the Asker.

    3) All of the "Can you tell me what you think of my writing?" questions where the Asker admits that the writing is unedited, unfinished, and rife with misspellings and bad grammar, but they still want to know if it's good or not. The answer to those questions is always, "It sucks basketballs through a garden hose. Like a Dyson straight outta the box. Like a black hole. Close your word processing program and never write again, kthxbai."

    4) All of the "How do I get published?" questions. Children, there is a thing called Google. It is your friend. Go use it. I'm always tempted to give these people a link to PublishAmerica's website, but even I'm not  *that* mean.

    I could go on, but I'd be here all day...

    ETA: [*sigh*] Okay, I thought you meant, "What question would you not miss in Books & Authors (should people ever stop asking them)," when what you *really* meant was "What question in Books & Authors can you not resist answering?" Which brings me to:

    5) All of the poorly-worded questions that make it seem as if the Asker is asking one thing, when s/he is asking something totally different.

  9. i really really love answering harry questions cuz i've never seen one i haven't been able to answer!!! lol! nice question!

  10. For starters, this one. Interesting question.

    And then I always answer questions about writer's block. I don't know why. Maybe I just feel sorry for the questioners.

  11. I love answering Harry Potter questions, as I usually know most of the answers and, well, HP is just fun to discuss.

    Other than that, my favorite questions are those that involve research, like finding quotes for somebody, or suggesting a book on decorating cakes or training pugs.

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