
What is the quickest, easiest, LEAST TRAUMATIC way to bottle break a baby? Help?

by  |  earlier

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This is our first night with no bottles. She's 15 months, and nap/bedtime is a literal nightmare. Any idea when we can expect her to adjust? And forget about her Bottle? We had her throw them all in the dumpster this morning and rewarded her with tippy cups, but that's not helping at bedtime! Help!!!




  1. i withdrew my daughters night feeds at 10mos, as i knew she was eating enough through the day to not be hungry through the night. there was an odd occaision if she was really tired she would go right through, so i knew she was capable. she was only looking for the comfort of me picking her up, cuddling her and having a bottle - most of the time she wouldnt even finish it.

    the first few nights, i took her into our bed and gave her the comfort she wanted, and just gave her a pacifier. once she was used to not having the bottle, when she woke, i gave her the pacifier, lay her down and covered her back up and said night night. this was the hardest bit as she would keep standing up, but i kept doing it - the first night it took hours. i had to just let her know that although mummy wasnt picking her up, i was still here. after about 5 nights she got the hang of it and now goes for 12-13 hours straight, self soothing in between if she wakes up. she is 12mos now.

  2. Get one sippy cup just for bedtime. Tell her it's the big girl cup. She will cry a bit at first but it's the only way to do it. She will get over her bottle soon. Good luck.  

  3. no the best way is a sipping cup... because if you just take it away itz a be very confusing to her... and every change doesnt take change the same way.. she may begin throwing tempz. not because she want to upset you jus because she notice the big different and is not comfortable with the way she had to use the cup... take it a step at a time... then you should take the top of the sippy cup and work from there...  

  4. Start a new bed time routine.  Let her have a cup of milk while reading a book or watching tv. Try to change things from how you used to do it with the bottle otherwise she'll continue to expect it.

  5. Just take it away! No sippy cups just regular cups!

    It'll only take 3 days

    sounds mean but its not

  6. My sister had the same dilemma when we were trying to get rid of the dummy so she 'exchanged' them at the shop for a toy. But my other little sister is almost two and she had the same problem with the bottle. My only suggestion would be to reinforce the fact that she is a big girl and that big girls don't have bottle.

    Hope it gets sorted out!

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