
What is the quickest and easiest knitting pattern?

by  |  earlier

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I am kind of new to knitting;)))))Ive tried a few times before but I can never seem to find anything that's really quick and easy to knit-something really basic for beginner.

Please help;)))

Oh and no 'squares' please lol!!!!

Clickity click;))))




  1. I also think that a scarf is the way to go ,but you could also make a small blanquet for a doll if you know somebody who has a little girl . It's better to use as a beginner the seed stich because it doesn't curl . It goes like this :1st row :knit 1 ,purl one and the 2nd row you purl the knits and knit the purls . You should try ,it has great videos ,and they pretty much show you all the basics of knitting .Happy knitting!

  2. A scarf!

  3. Hi, do you have a local shop that sells knitting wool and sewing stuff only? Usually the staff are very helpful, they would be able to point you to a simple pattern and help if you got stuck. I found a baby jacket that was just one piece for the body and then the arms were the same bit twice, so was very easy and knitted it in every colour for my children and nephews, but that was some time ago. If you have no children to knit for, the hospitals usually have a stall where baby stuff is sold to new mums who are grateful to find hand knitted goods, so you could try booties or such like.  

  4. Checkered slippers!  I made my first pair when I was 9 years old, you can handle it, I promise ;-)

  5. Scarf - just keep going!

    Waistcoat - knit a large square (the size of the back) and two rectangles (the size of the fronts). I started off with these two - for my dolls when I was about eight!

    Legwarmers & wristwarmers - knit straight and sew up the edge!

    There are loads of simple knitting patterns here -

    Their beginners knitting patterns (free) -

    I use this site a lot.

  6. c**k pushups.

  7. Well, Grandmother's Favorite Washcloth is pretty simple, but it is a good learning piece for a novice knitter.  Google that and try it.  Many of the yarn companies have web sites with free patterns from beginner to expert levels.  Cruise a few of them and pick out a pattern that appeals to you.  Trying to knit something more than a garter stitch square or scarf will challenge you a bit and stretch your skills more quickly, but there's nothing wrong with knitting garter stitch squares, either.  I knit them for a long time as a small child and made an afghan or two out of them (this is one reason I hate knitting afghans now I think <G>).  A garter stitch sweater, though, will teach you gauge, shaping, and seaming, all useful skills.

  8. A scarf is your best bet.  See if you can get yourself a copy of Stitch N B**ch(rhymes with witch).  It is a great book for the beginning knitter.  I just got myself a copy and I can't put it down.  It is in plain english with a bit of humor to make it more interesting than a plain old how to book.  This book makes me look at knitting without the ugh feeling.

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