
What is the quickest way to get chlorine out?

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i have swimming alot sence im on a swim team my hair always feels really naste is there like a natural way to get chlorine out or something i can use around the house like baking stuff?




  1. I think have a shower asap, and try scrubbing your head really hard, like really hard...I normally do that, except i always miss that one spot :(

  2. wear a net?

  3. water and shampoo is all there is.


  4. I suggest you to take a shower as soon as possible after practice. The longer the chlorine sits in your hair the more damage it does. If you don't have time to take a shower, at the very least get under the shower and rinse so that some of the chlorine comes off.

    I swim all year round and my hair is always a mess. Use a lot of conditioner. Things like wearing a cap during practice helps a lot. If you want you can put some conditioner in your hair and than put your cap on. That helps a lot. The shampoo I use now is Garnier Frutis and it works really well. I've also used Mane N Tail Shampoo, it's for horses but you can use it too and it works really well. Especially if your hair is in really bad shape. I suggest trying the Mane N Tail if your hair is in really bad shape.

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