
What is the quickest way to get your captains license from the coast guard, I already passed exam?

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I live in south Florida and was told that I needed to fly to Boston to go to the Coast Guard station there to get my license quickly because if I sent it in through Miami it would take up to 6 months. Has anyone gone to Boston to do this? I already went to school and passed all the exams and just want to get my license fast.




  1. inj canada, if you pass the test all you have to do is go on line with your info and down load and print a temp

  2. I just got my Unlimited Chief Mate license and there is a huge benefit to going to Boston.  All of the REC’s barring Seattle and Boston send your application to West Virginia for approval then it is sent back and the Local REC to issue your license or approval letter.  All of this approval is done in house in Boston and Seattle but only till the end of the year.  Some of the guys upgrading to chief mate through New Orleans applied in October and still have not gotten their approval letter to test.  I drove up to Boston in December with my paperwork and walked out with an approval letter.  I could have tested right away and had my license in a week, but I needed to prepare so I tested in January and am done with it now.  So for me going to Boston saved at least 5 months and probably much more, and I’m higher on the chief mate secession list.  Hope this helps

  3. I'm a licensed master and live in south Florida.  I do all my paperwork out of Boston including issuing of the license, approval of upgrades and renewals.  It's so much smoother and faster.  My friends that are out of Miami have to wait so long for anything they need.  Use the CG down here for testing but get your paperwork approved somewhere else like Boston.  Also you don't have to actually go there.  Do it over the phone.  Find the REC number and speak to Chris Ahearn.  He should still be there and he'll help with things.  Good luck.

  4. I hate to break this to you, but there is no fast way to get anything from the Coast Guard.  My best friend was told to go TO Miami to get his MMDs because New Orleans was backed up 14 WEEKS.  Needless to say he drove the 16 Hours to Miami and they told him they were backed up 16 weeks and told him that New Orleans (a 4 hour drive) could get it done in 6-8 weeks.  Long story short he went back to New Orleans and it took about 2 weeks for the documents to arrive.  I am beginning to think they do this to keep from doing as much paperwork and put it off on another office.  Maybe even to test your patience, who knows?As much as I have worked with the Coast Guard and appreciate them, their burecratic side leaves a little to be desired.  Just wait for your license and DON"T go to Boston.   You'll just be wasting your money.  I hope this answers your question.

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