
What is the quickest way to rank up in Call of Duty 4?

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what game type averages the most points per and is the quickest. And also what do you think the best gun is?




  1. u got to rank up to get better guns and quickist way to rank up is search n destroy especialy if u kill with the LAST STAND perk

  2. Be aware of your surroundings. I sucked at the game before. Now I am really good. Note places where you can hide yet have a lot of view to kill people. Use camouflage with you and your guns. Practice with your guns and find out which is best for you. Try and play headquarters because with that, you get a lot of points if your team is really good. You get +5 points per kill a player does from your team!  

    And do not forget, check your corners before passing no respawn games. And hold bombs for 4 seconds before throwing which will let the enemy not throw it back and a much shorter time run away therefore a less chance for them to survive.

  3. be really good at search. a decent game will give you around 500 points a really good game can get you up to 1000 points. headquarters is good too,

  4. search and destroy

  5. Never played the game, can't tell ya :P

  6. This is easy for a Rank 55 ;D


    1 - Search and Destroy - I get 700 - 2000+ depends on the teams.

    2 - Domination - Well, since you can respawn this is the best, you don't need to kill many people to get 100+ Points.

    3 - Team Deathmatch - Pretty Easy.

    Well Weapons depend on what type of shooter you are.

    If you Aim good, a P90 or a MP44.

    If you like to stay hidden and Kill A sniper is good for you. Iron Lungs = Better for you!

    If you just want to end it fast, take a M1014 with a Desert Eagle. Perks:

    Frag x 3 or Claymore

    Sleight of hand

    Martydom ( Last Stand depends on how dumb your target is, people when near you will knife you, you get points for dying, Last Stand ( Some People shoot more than they need to shoot, so, no. )

    Hope I helped.

  7. team deathmatch gives you most points and other team ones. They give you 10 points a kill instead of 5 like in free for all and domination. The best gun is your choice really.

  8. Kill a lot of people and don't die so much.

    Or you can get really good at search and destroy or domination.  Those games tend to spit out more xp but the games do take longer and unless you keep winning, you wont get any more xp than death match.

    Best gun depends on the map.  This is what I use for death match.  This all changes for domination or search and destroy and all of hardcore:

    Bog - M-16 on the hill, M-4 if you run around (M-16 also good for Countdown and Strike)

    Overgrown/Bloc/Downpour - Use a silenced MP-5 with UAV and Dead Silence and get good at stabbing snipers in the back

    Crossfire/District/Backlot - MP5 or AK47 depending on your preferred stand off distance.

    Wetwork - I like to start with an M-16 at the top of one of the overlooks on the middle of the deck.  When they catch on to that, I take to the ground with pretty much any submachine gun.

    Chinatown - M-4 or AK47

    Creek - anything works against snipers

    Broadcast - AK47

    You can really use any weapon in the game with equal success.  I use the above weapons for a reason.  I don't have to wait for level whatever to get my gun back once I prestige.  I have them all from level 4 through level 55 every time.

  9. hey man

    Hands down IMO the best game type for EXP is Headquaters. This is simply due to the fact that xp comes no matter what state you are in. If your dead u still get EXP for a catpured HQ. If your in the other teams spawn point you get EXP when ur team captures the HQ. This is ontop of the endless kills that come streaming in from defending the HQ. When you get good, you can easily get an average of 700 to a 1000 points every game. I love it, my and my buddies tear this apart.

    Search and destroy is also a great game type to lvl up really fast. The prbly is sometimes you get really really unlucky and end up sitting out entire rounds doing nothing becasue you died. That dosent do to much for your exp lol. So if your really good at stying alive forecer do S and D other then that be carful and you can get some good exp here to.

    Team Death match sucks to dexp becuase of the kill cap. IT ends at 750 points which is only 75 kills. If you think of an average team of 6 ppl going at 6 others, and each one getting like only 10 kills thats 600 exp already. You only have 100 of that. And rmember ppl are good, so you mite only get 8 kills while they get 18. So that really sucks, its all luck of the draw. Who sees more ppl? ive been in games where ive landed 30 of the kills for my team just because i run into the most ppl, and then kill them, and then other games il get 10 just cause i cant find anyone at all.

    Sabotage is SOOOO BADDD. Worst game type in the game. The respawn is so stupid and so long and there is so little exp at all for it. Dont play it... at all.

    Team Tactal is my fav game tyoe by far. Not for exp, just becuase it rocks to actually use some planning with ur friends rather then just through nades and die from stupid campers around every conner.

    I also hate ground war simply becuase its just everyone killing everything. You cant take more then 3 steps becuase theres someone camping somehwere just waiting to shoot you in hopes of getting their stupid air strike. Its so bad, i never play it. Its also bad for EXP becuase your constantly dying. It sucks,

    So there you have the game modes. I think HQ is the best for EXP, and Team Tac is the best game type just for fun. For the best gun, well thats up to you personally. I love the MP5, but sometimes it just dosent work becuase the other noob guns are so dominant. Take the p90 for exp. No SMG is better, i dont care what anyone says. the P90 is the cheapest SMG. The clip size is HUGE and the fire rate is crazy. Add that to its accuracy and you have a gun that just onws. Some guy las tnight thorught he was pro, then i used it. He didnt think he was pro anymore after that. The M16 is th same thing. THe one shot wonder as i call it. One burst, one kill simple as that. Also so noob. But really the most balanced gun is the MP5, also my fav by far. Hope this all helps and questions add me on live.


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