
What is the quickest way to really and trully repair credit and where do i go ie sites?

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What is the quickest way to really and trully repair credit and where do i go ie sites?




  1. Thumbs up to the first three answers.

    The quickest way to repair your credit is quit doing the stuff that made it bad and start doing stuff that gets good marks.

    The black marks will roll off in seven years.  If you've accumulated no more black marks in that time, then you're shiny.

    Nobody can repair your credit for you.  If there are black marks on your report, the only way to get rid of them is to prove that the reporting company made a mistake.  That's very unlikely, especially with credit cards and loans from recognized lenders.  So, if someone promises they can wave a wand and make your bad credit go away, you'd better put a firm hand on your billfold so you don't get fleeced.

  2. There is no easy, fast way.  It is a slow process.  You pay everything on time and after a couple years, your score will start to improve.

    Before you rush out and sign up for a credit repair company, read this:

  3. There's no such thing.

  4. Negative credit information, if it is accurate, stays on your credit report for 7 years.  No one can change that and anyone who says they can is lying to you.

  5. Be aware that many sites will try to charge you for "services" that you can easily do yourself with a letter and a few stamps. Having said that, here are my tips to repairing your credit:

    I've bookmarked this site...

    All the best to you.

  6. Pay everything on time and your credit will take care of itself.

  7. To repair your credit, I think the best way is to look for a job. However, if you already have a job or having a typical time, you still can get another job. I will like to recommend you some websites which you can earn extra income based on your survey and time. So, I hope that you can try on the following websites as they're websites which will pay you based on your survey:-







    By doing this, you can earn some extra money easily and legally.

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