
What is the quickest way to win a fight against a stoned kid?

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What is the quickest way to win a fight against a stoned kid?




  1. Offer him another hit?

  2. hit him first

  3. Depends on if he's wirey or mellow..

  4. give him the ol nuk nuk nuk  hey mo

  5. slap him in the face then proceed with a punch to his jaw.

  6. don't fight him. you could end up seriously hurting him. someone who is stoned doesn't have the use of all their motor functions. Or if he is on something heavy (like pcp or other drugs) he could end up killing you b/c he won't feel anything and won't be thinking about anything rational at that moment.

  7. Lean to the left

    Lean to the right

    stand up

    sit down

    fight, fight, fight.

    You'll have him totally confused if you do this.  Good luck!


  9. First, give him a bag of Doritos.  Once he's distracted, go for it.

    Actually, it would be easy to win a fight because the stoner is too laid back to fight back..he's just wants peace, man.

    Why do you want to fight a stoned kid anyway?  What has he ever done to you??

  10. REASON with him, hahaha, or try!

  11. Toss a twinkie or a pop tart on the ground, when he bends over to pick it up, kick a fifty yard field goal with his head.

  12. tug his trousers down around his knees and push him into the girls bathroom.

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