
What is the quikest way to knock sum1 out without any risk of killing thm or badly damaging there health?

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What is the quikest way to knock sum1 out without any risk of killing thm or badly damaging there health?




  1. probably a taser.  It won't knock them out but it will demobilize  them long enough to make an escape.  It won't cause them much harm either.

  2. I don't know about knocking someone out without hurting them. But you can make someone pass out with a good rear naked choke. It cuts off blood flow to the brain and you'll eventually pass out in a few seconds.

  3. Karate Boy is right. If you knock someone unconscious it probably wasn't very pleasant for them. But to answer your question, I would think the least damaging would be a rear naked choke... however you would have to release the choke after the person is out or you could do some serious damage. I have put people in this choke and have had the choke done to me many times... usually you see stars and then everything goes dark and your out. Once your let out of the choke you usually wake up very quickly... 2-3 seconds. Lot less damaging than an uppercut or kick to the head.

  4. this is an easy question. there r several ways.

    when close enough grab the throat and squeeze lightly and push the throat inwards.

    continously attack the side of the skull cause it shakes the brain.

    attack the pressure point in the center of the chest.

  5. Probably a choke because they can recover from it quickly.

  6. Rear Naked Choke, aka sleeper hold

    Obviously punching someone is much faster but it's dangerous for sure.

    You didn't specify whether by strike or finishing hold.  If you choke someone out cold with an RNC, you cut off blood flow to the brain via the carotid arteries.  As long as you don't cut the blood flow for too long, they will wake up and be fine, assuming you didn't violate them when they were out :-).

    I've also seen video of some guy who open hand strikes people just below the back of the jaw and the fall down uncouncious, but I'm not sure if the vid is legit or not.

  7. There are no ways of knocking someone out without risk. To K.O. someone is basically causing that person's body to shut itself down. Does this sound like something without risk?

  8. Choke out,or knife fist to throat!

  9. Hit the m in the solar plexis (high up in between the ribcages) this will make them black out for a second or two and they wont want to mess with u ne more. you could also punch straight into the jaw and then hoot em in the tempal.

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