
What is the "I AM" in philosphy?

by Guest56697  |  earlier

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  1. i think, therefore i am

  2. "Cogito, ergo sum" (Latin: "I think, therefore I am"), sometimes misquoted as Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum (Latin: "I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am")[1], is a philosophical statement used by René Descartes, which became a foundational element of Western philosophy. The simple meaning of the phrase is that if someone is wondering whether or not he exists, that is in and of itself proof that he does exist.

    Now we will have to look at two views, one of the world and then from Gods view, "I am" is referring to the holy trinity as "one" when we research the bible we will find that there is only one meaning of the word "I am" but of this world we will always change the meaning of the word to fit society's view or popular opinion. René Descartes rejects God and only lived for 53 years and many others like him L.Ron Hubbard (scientology) have never researched the bible but chose to come up with their own view. You have to ask yourself can we believe men that lived a short life with no points on death itself or the word(thousands of years old) that God has protected and provided for us to have eternal the bible and research it and God will open your eyes. God bless.

  3. I AM confident that I CAN answer this question. I AM not sure though whether you will thumb up or select as best answer. After all I AM what I AM.

  4. i am = i exist

    it's a form of stating the obvious....

    that for some thinkers is just an illusion.


  5. Would help wa?????  

  6. i am is what i am.

    i am a DOG is what i am a DOG!

  7. Different people wud have different opinion for this phrase as everyone has his own perception, but i think I AM sounds being egostic, it means u r trying to prove that u r something, if u really something u dont need 2 put in words coz if u r capable enough then people related 2 u will definately realize that.    

  8. "I" is the epistemology of consciousness; "am" is the metaphysics.

    The epistemology must be that of acceptance of one's own existence; that necessarily requires that you believe that existents exist, and that you are an existent.

    This is not an easy concept to grasp.

    "Observe that Descartes starts his system by using “error” and its synonyms or derivatives as “stolen concepts.

    "If truth were unknowable, as Descartes implies, the idea of a departure from it would be meaningless.

    "Descartes began with the basic epistemological premise [ ] he shared explicitly with Augustine: “the prior certainty of consciousness,” the belief that the existence of an external world is not self-evident, but must be proved by deduction from the contents of one’s consciousness." Ayn Rand

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