
What is the "Theory of forms" made by Plato? What are the forms of aesthetic?

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What is the "Theory of forms" made by Plato? What are the forms of aesthetic?




  1. "Forms," also called Plato's "Ideas," are "essences."

    Plato said essences are in the heavens and are the gods, and they are the forms on earth which the gods fill with their existences. The fact that there are so many forms on earth is why the Greeks has thousands of gods/goddesses, and why so many of them filled multiple roles.

    Aristotle said essences were not in the gods, but were "in the things themselves," as if science could someday extract them.

    The Stoics, Occam, some Arab philosophers, and Ayn Rand considered them to be conceptual, but Rand was the only one to give a complete explanation of how this is possible, in her book "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology."

  2. theory of forms is the duality  of reality. there is another world aside from the material world we reside in, its called the world of forms.. the world of forms is where the true, the good, and the beautiful resides - these are the forms of aesthetics...

    the world of forms is that of perfection while the world of matter is imperfect and finite. everything that is beautiful in the world of matters are only copies of those in the world of forms, thus making them in authentic, they are not true, but only copies. when man dies, his soul goes back to the world of forms..

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