
What is the "black union?"?

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Hillary is scheduled to speak to them today, but I haven't a clue as to what they are.




  1. television and radio talk show host Tavis Smiley's annual "State of the Black Union" forum's


    In 1996, Smiley became a frequent commentator on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, a nationally syndicated radio show broadcast on black and urban stations in the United States. He developed a friendship with host Tom Joyner, who appeared to share many of Smiley's opinions on racial matters, and together they began hosting annual town hall meetings beginning in 2000 called "The State of the Black Union" which were aired live on the C-SPAN cable television network. These town hall meetings each focused on a specific topic affecting the African-American community, featuring a panel of African-American leaders, educators, and professionals assembled before an audience to discuss problems related to the forum's topic, as well as potential solutions. Smiley also used his commentator status on Joyner's radio show to launch several advocacy campaigns to highlight discriminatory practices in the media and government and to rally support for causes such as the awarding of a Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights icon Rosa Parks. Smiley also began building a national reputation as a political commentator with numerous appearances on political discussion shows on MSNBC, ABC, and CNN.


    NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- The annual State of the Black Union forum boasts a number of famous names as it gets under way in New Orleans, but this year's event is getting much more attention for who won't be there.

    Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama campaigns in New Orleans on

    February 7.


    Reclaiming Our Democracy, Deciding Our Future

    New Orleans, LA

    Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

    Conference Auditorium


    Hosted by Tavis Smiley and Tom Joyner

    Special video presentation by Academy Award Winner Jonathan Demme

    Friday, February 22, 2008

    SOBU BUILDS 2008 Day of Service

    7:00 am – 3:00 pm

    (Day of Service Projects)

    Saturday, February 23, 2008

    8:00 am (CDT) 1:30 pm (CDT)

    Dr. C.S. Gordon, Jr.

    Mayor Ray Nagin

    Norman Francis

    Michael Eric Dyson

    Pastor Melvin Jones

    Arlene Holt Baker

    Darron Boyce

    Cornel West

    Susan E. Rice

    Eddie Glaude

    Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton

    Naomi Churchill Earp

    Rev. Al Sharpton

    Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones

    Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr.

    Bishop Paul S. Morton

    Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu

    State Sen. Cleo Fields

    Mayor Cory Booker

    Nicole C. Lee

    Herreast Harrison

    Robert Franklin

    Dillard student leader*

    Donna Brazile

    Bishop T.D. Jakes*

    Angela Glover Blackwell

    Marc Morial

    Michael Steele

    Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee

    Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-New York, was the only major presidential candidate to accept an invitation to attend.

    Her rival, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, declined, as did Republican presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain of Arizona.


    State of the Black Union may be real black entertainment - 8.8.2007.1

    Well here is something that sounds like television programming of worth. Viacom and all its properties should take note of what a program aimed at a target group can be like. Mr. Sumner Redstone, Mr. Philippe Dauman, and Mr. Reginald Hudlin should all be paying close attention.

    In commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Jamestown, TV One will be presenting a 3 part symposium that deals with the state of African Americans then and now, what America would be like without us, and a recap with memorable moments (in time since the Jamestown landing I presume). The program is called State of the Black Union. That is an interesting subject. It delves into the past and the present day. It

  2. The Black Union is a conference for Black People of USA.

    P.s. Did you know that the Ku Klux Klan support Barrack Obama?

  3. It's a Conference about the future of black realtions and eceonmic issues Hosted by Tavis Smiley ... Obama is not going he is busy tring to become president

  4. sure isnt obama

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