
What is the "devil"?

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What is the "devil"?




  1. the devil is the lord of the flies if you dont serve lord and you serve the devil at the end of the world you going to get burn with the devil

  2. A created being named Lucifer that got his name changed after his rebellion to Satan,the devil,the dragon and the beast.The fallen angels that followed him are also devils or demons.

  3. Devil-D=Evil?

  4. hes defined as evil he is any evil that exist he the darkness he the killing the lies hes every bad thing that we do he  knows no good he will take lives and burn them and more. read the good book it will tell you who he is and i named a lot of them

  5. The devil's name was originally Lucifer.  He was a beautiful and powerful angel who decided he was all that and got one third of heaven to rebel against God.  He and his followers were cast out of heaven.  Guess what? they landed on this good earth where he and his followers, former inhabitants of heaven and those of us on earth are given a choice--either repent and follow the path of righteousness or be ultimately destroyed.

  6. The devil is defined differently by many people and religions.  In some he/she doesn't exist.  I personally don't believe the devil exists, at least in any physical sence, but the idea behind the word, to me is the negative inspiration that causes one to do harm.  Probably the most common deffinition however is that the devil is an angel who rebeled against god because god took away some of his power when he/she created the earth.  The devil was then cast out of heaven and fell to the pits of h**l.  Another popular mythology suggests that the devil has only the power to destroy, not to create, and to put only evil into mens minds, never good.


    There are many opionions about the devil, as well as many names for him/it. This one is about the most general I can give you. At any rate..he/it is evil and must be dealt with if you believe in any form of religion.:

  8. Devil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The devil is the lord of the flies.

    Lord of the Flies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  9. I am a christian and i belive the devil is a fallen angel. he is simply put a bad dog running loose with its leash round its neck.
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