
What is the quote where edward tells bella to forget about him ? [juss before he left her]?

by  |  earlier

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can someone tell me his exact words please

[its in new moon btw] lol




  1. I'm not sure exactly what you mean...

    "Come for a walk with me"

    "Bella we're leaving."

    "Bella it's time. How much longer could we stay in Forks , after all? Carlisle can barely pass for thirty, and he's claiming thirty three now. We'd have to start over soon regardless."

    "I'm no good for you Bella."

    "My world is not for you"

    "Bella I don't want you to come with me"

    "Your not good for me Bella."

    "I would like to ask one favor, though, if it's not too much"

    "Don't do anything reckless or stupid"

    "And I'll make you a promise in return, I promise that this will be the last time you'll see me. I won't come back. I won't put you through anything like this again. You can go on with your life without any more interferance from me. It will be as if I'd never exsisted."

    "Don't worry. You're human-your memory is no more than a sieve. Time heals all wounds for your kind."

    "I won't forget. But my kind... we're easily distracted."

    "Goodbye Bella."

    "Take care of yourself.."

    I LOVED this book. If I didn't get it right let me know and I'll find it for you. Again, I didn't know exactly what you wanted.

  2. Yeah, the person before me beat me to it.

    "It will be as if I never exsisted."

    Then she is returned home and stuff and all the photos of him are gone, and it goes October...November...December...January....

    Then Bella says something like; "Forbidden to remember, terrified to forget, it was a hard line to walk."


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