
What is the "greenest" kind of paint you can buy to paint the outside of your house?

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What is the "greenest" kind of paint you can buy to paint the outside of your house?




  1. lime stone

  2. Try to get some without or with little lead.

  3. Have you considered recycled paint?  It isn't all brown!

    Latex or acrylic based is the way to go to reduce VOC's as stated above.

    With any exterior be sure to pressure wash thoroughly and get a clean surface.  You might consider a "primer coating" - though it isn't 'green' per se, you will be much happier with the results.  Primers adhere well and you don't need a solid coating - just enough to give something for your recycled or low VOC latex paint to stick too.

    Apply the paint right and you won't have to paint again as soon which will have a "greener" impact in the long run.

    Also consider cleanup - latex is water based and low impact on wastewater treatment plants - still, never put your rinsings down a storm drain!

    Oil based paints require paint thinner and other flammable toxic liquids to clean the tools.  No sink rinsing, no dumping - it's not even a good idea to dump your stuff on the ground.  In most State's the law requires you to take your spent solvents to a certified haz waste facility. Ugh!

  4. Smash up berries & use the juice. It will probably be purple & won't protect the wood, but it will give it color.

  5. forest green by dulux

  6. Ask your local homeless tree huggin dirty stinkin hippie

  7. Check at your local hardware or home improvement store. Many places have started selling "low VOC" paint. Which is low in "volitial organic componds". I know that Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore both have lot VOC paints available. These paints are produced with and give off less pollutants that standard paints.  There are also "natural paints". But I'm less educated on those and where you can buy them.  You can always surf the net to find dealers of natural paints in your area.

    Also.. since I don't know what type of material the outside of you house is made of (i.e. wood, stucco, aluminum siding, etc) I'm not sure what would be best for the material.

  8. Hello

    Lime Stone - is best one for  Green House.

    Lime Stone come in White and furnaced with Coal.

    Lime stone become soft and we can used this as White Paint.

    1. Eco Friendly

    2.Reflect Sun Rays ( House is cool)

    3.Less soluble in Rains


    By father used our House in Village. He collected Lime Stone and mixed with Coal and furnaced.

    White ( Eco Friendly ) are available in Market in ASIAN/BERGER etc.


  9. emerald green

  10. Some companies that make low- or zero-VOC paints are:


    Best Paint


    Edison Coatings

    Innovative Formulations Corporation

    Rodda Paint

    Silacote USA

    Yolo Colorhouse

    Cohalan Company makes a zero-VOC liquid mineral system for a slightly different option.

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