
What is the rank of chinese football team in the world?

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Well China won the first rank of Olympic Games. Yes they are very good at diving, table tennis, weight lifting among which they can almost get all the gold medals.

But as for football games, which was invented by the ancient chinese, they can never say they good at. Some chinese even make fun of their football team. say that even the eternity God can not wait to see their team to win the world cup.

So anybody can tell me why China can not have a good football team, and what is the rank of chinese football team?




  1. try

  2. It is so painful to watch, but honestly it is not the individual player's fault. it is not likely the whole system is f""ked starting from the top level like football association and down to the bottom like club's managers...

    Speaking of the rank, it is not going to be from the top, morely likely the other way around, so how many teams are we ranking?

  3. Probably last and probably got to compete cos of host country

  4. Right at the bottom of the womens..

  5. for women, they were pretty good.  but for men, they are on the bottom.......

    i would think any national team could beat them.

  6. Like at the bottom, duh!

  7. They're ranked pretty low, since they suck.

    97th out of 208 in the world.

    But there are diehard fans in China and they like their players.

    I had a Chinese classmate that could name all the national players.

    When they take football more seriously, their game will improve.

    Maybe get those Kung Fu Soccer guys instead?

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