
What is the rarest blood type?

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Just out of curiosity - and please don't say Bombay Blood. I want the rarest of the better known types.

I myself am a type AB-.




  1. Vampire blood.

  2. We were told that AB- is the rarest blood group and O is the most common.

    Those who are Group O are known as Universal Donors, as they can donate blood to people of any blood group.

    Those who are Group AB are known as Universal Recipients, as they can actually receive blood from any other blood group.

  3. The rarest is O


  4. AB-

  5. AB- is so rare there's almost no one with it! That's pretty special! Also anything with a - is rare.

  6. O negative

  7. That is the rarest blood type.

    O  Rh Positive          1 person in 3            

    O Rh Negative         1 person in 15          

    A Rh Positive           1 person in 3            

    A Rh Negative         1 person in 16          

    B Rh Positive           1 person in 12            

    B Rh Negative          1 person in 67          

    AB Rh Positive          1 person in 29        

    AB Rh Negative       1 person in 167

  8. i think rhesus negative?

  9. AB- is the rarest.

  10. O blood type

  11. Iunno the rarest, though to one that people want the most in O, because it can be transferred to any other person through blood transfusion. "People with O Rh Negative blood are considered universal donors because patients of all blood types can receive O Rh Negative blood."

    I just read on a site that the most common blood type is O Rh Positive, The most rarest is AB Rh Negative.

  12. yep it is the rarest....with a close second "B-" and thats my type

  13. i know that O negative is rare, but i think one of the AB combinations is the absolute rarest.

  14. You have the rarest blood type lol, AB-. Some people have to wait days or even weeks for hospital transfusions because donors with that blood type are so rare. So, I hope you never need one too soon.

  15. About 15% of causcasian Americans are Rh negative and about 7% of African Americans are Rh negative. It rarely occurs in people of eastern Asian or Native American descent.

    The most common blood type is O positive and the rarest is AB negative.

    The Rh blood group system is separate from the ABO blood group system, but they are the two blood group systems most commonly tested for in the laboratory blood bank, which is why they are paired together when describing someone's blood type. Generally, if a person has an antigen on his red cells, called "D", then he is considered to be "positive". If he lacks the "D" antigen, then he is considered to be "negative".

    If you are Rh negative, you should strongly consider becoming a blood donor. Whenever an Rh negative patient needs blood, it's harder to find compatible blood for him because there are fewer Rh negative donors than Rh positive donors. Rh negative patients can receive only Rh negative blood, but Rh positive patients can receive either Rh positive or Rh negative blood.

  16. The rarest blood type is AB-.

    Please check the source for more information.

  17. AB -

  18. According to my knowledge of blood types, you have the rarest classification: AB Negative (AB-).

  19. o-

  20. Type AB is the rarest actually gots no A nor B antibodies .

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