
What is the % rate getting pregnant on the depo shot?

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I know every b-control has differnt percentage rates I was just wondering what the depo shot was and if you are on it for very long does it become less effective?




  1. I have heard that people do get pregnant while using this birth control. If you are thinking about using I would not. I had a very bad experience with it but that was 9 years ago so maybe things have changed.

  2. depo provera is supposedly one of the most effective birth controls there is, because it's low maintenance and there is almost no fail rate. I was on it for several years and the bad thing for me was that eventually, it stopped my periods all together. So when I got pregnant, I had to use other characteristics to go by.

  3. Depo, like many other hormonal borth control methods, has a high effectiveness rate if used correctly. Using depo correctly means going in for your shot WITHIN the time frame. You'll need one every 12 weeks, so going in at some point during the last two weeks to get your shot is best.

    Because the depo is an injection, it is not reversable (that is, you can't stop taking it like pills or pull it out like a ring) for three months. I have heard and seen many a woman complain about weight gain.

    And as always, the depo shot does not protect you against aids/hiv or stds. it is wise to use a barrier method like a condom to maximize your safety.

    It is good of you to inquire about different kinds of methods! Way to check out and be curious about your options! Woo!

  4. The longer you take it the more effective it becomes.  The longer you take it the more chance it has of PERMANENTLY sterilizing you!  They don't tell you that though.  If you only have one shot it can take as long as a year to get out of your system.  It also has the WORST side effects.  You will gain weight (not might) and it causes HUGE mood swings.  My husband actually calls it the "b***h" shot!

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