
What is the rate of exchange re Canadian and U.S money in Dominica?

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What is the rate of exchange re Canadian and U.S money in Dominica?




  1. In the Dominican Republic or Dominica? = two different islands!!!

    In the Dominican Republic :

    1 us dollar = 33 pesos Dominicanos

    1 Euro = 53 pesos Dominicanos

    Happy Feet

  2. it changes daily . usually about 33.4 pesos for one dollar .

  3. The US Dollar has gained some strength against the Dominican  Peso. Currently, exchanging money at a local bank in the Dominican Republic and withdrawals from an ATM will give you anywhere from 33.80-34.10 Dominican Pesos to 1 USD.

    On the street, you can still get 33.50 - 34 Dominican Pesos to 1 USD, depending on your bargaining skills and how much money you are exchanging. The more money you exchange and the better you are able to bargain for a better rate, the higher the exchange rate you will probably get.

    Avoid exchanging money at the resort or at the airports if you can. Wait until you get into town and do it locally for the best exchange rate. If you decide to exchange money at the local bank, have your passport ready.

    ¡Viva la República Dominicana!

    Enjoy your stay in the D.R.

    Henry J. Vera

    H.J. Vera & Co.

    Real Estate & Investments

  4. 1.00 EUR = 1.55 USD

    1.00 USD = 0.65 EUR

    1.00 EUR = 1.55 CAD

    1.00 CAD = 0.64 EUR

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