
What is the ratio of sugar to water for a 6 month old baby? ?

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My daughter is 6 months old and became constapated a week ago. She is doing better, but still needs a little assistance. However I do not want to over load her with sugar and junk.




  1. 0% sugar.... when my kids and grandkids were constipated as babies, I was instructed to give them an ounce of prune juice diluted with 1 ounce of water- works quickly, so be ready!

  2. I use Gerber pear juice for my 6 month old, works like a charm everytime. Just 2-3 ounces or so.

  3. Sugar is an old wives tale. It does nothing. She needs the fiber in natural fruits. Give her watered down prune juice or apple juice (1/4 juice to 3/4 water).  

  4. Try using natural sources of sugar like fruit.  Prunes and apples are good choices.

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